Lines Matching refs:add

122 # preferences and information on them. To add a preference, append the 
234 option add *$root*font tkecllabel userDefault ;# the default
235 option add *$root*Text.font tkeclmono
236 option add *$root*Entry.font tkeclmono
237 option add *$root*Hierarchy.font tkeclmono
238 option add *$root*Text.font tkeclmono
539 $w add $item
1320 $ec_dg.mbar add cascade -label Options -menu $ec_dg.mbar.options
1321 $ec_dg.mbar.options add command -label "Change print options ..." -command "tkecl:edit_output_mode tracer"
1322 $ec_dg.mbar.options add check -label "Refresh delayed goals at every trace line" -variable tkecl(pref,trace_refresh_dg)
1324 $ec_dg.mbar add cascade -label Help -menu $
1325 $ add command -label "Delayed Goals Help" -command "tkecl:Get_helpfileinfo dela $ec_dg"
1409 $ec_dg.text tag add g$invoc $gstart "$gstart lineend"
1460 $m add command -label "$tspec @ $module $invtext <$prio>" -state disabled
1461 $m add command -label $spytext -command \
1463 $m add command -label "Display source for this predicate" -command \
1465 $m add command -label "Inspect this goal" -command \
1467 $m add command -label "Observe this goal" -command "tkecl:observe_goal $invoc"
1469 $m add command -label "No goal found for invocation $invoc. Please refresh." \
1473 $m add command -label "Goal information unavailable: please use tracer." \
1605 ;# add the tag back to the refreshed line...
1606 $ec_tracer.stack.text tag add $invoc $depth.0 $depth.end
1671 $tmbar add cascade -label "Windows" -menu $ -underline 0
1673 $ add command -label "Raise top-level" -command "tkinspect:RaiseWindow ."
1674 $ add command -label "Predicate Browser" -command tkecl:popup_pred_prop
1675 $ add command -label "Delayed Goals" -command tkecl:popup_dg_window
1676 $ add separator
1677 $ add command -label "Close Tracer" -command "destroy $ec_tracer"
1678 $tmbar add cascade -label "Options" -menu $tmbar.opt -underline 0
1680 $tmbar.opt add command -label "Configure filter ..." -command tkecl:popup_filter
1681 $tmbar.opt add command -label "Change print options ..." -command "tkecl:edit_output_mode tracer"
1682 $tmbar.opt add command -label "Analyze failure ..." -command "tkecl:analyze_failure $ec_tracer"
1683 $tmbar.opt add command -label "Refresh goal stack now" -command tkecl:refresh_goal_stack
1684 $tmbar.opt add check -label "Refresh goal stack at every trace line" -variable tkecl(pref,trace_refresh_stack)
1685 $tmbar.opt add check -label "Refresh delayed goals at every trace line" -variable tkecl(pref,trace_refresh_dg)
1686 $tmbar.opt add check -label "Raise tracer window at every trace line" -variable tkecl(pref,trace_raise_tracer)
1687 $tmbar add cascade -label "Help" -menu $ -underline 0
1689 $ add command -label "Tracer Help" -command "tkecl:Get_helpfileinfo trac $ec_tracer"
1696 $ec_tracertab add "Trace Log" -window $ec_tracertab.trace
1914 ;# don't bother to add a popup...not very useful here
1917 $ec_tracer.stack.text tag add fail_style $stdepth.0 end
1965 # Enable the buttons, and add some delay if repeating creep from mouse hold
2241 $m add command -label "$tspec @ $module <$prio>" -state disabled
2250 $m add command -label $spytext -command \
2252 $m add command -label "Display source for this predicate" -command \
2255 $m add command -label "Display source context for this call" -command \
2257 $m add command -label "Inspect this goal" -command \
2259 $m add command -label "Observe this goal" -command "tkecl:observe_goal $invoc"
2260 $m add command -label "Force failure of this goal" -command \
2262 $m add command -label "Jump to this invocation number ($invoc)" -command \
2266 $m add command -label "Jump to this depth $depth" -command \
2268 $m add separator
2269 $m add command -label "Refresh goal stack" -command \
2341 $ec_tracer.stack.text tag add info$invoc $stdepth.0 $stdepth.$length
2344 $ec_tracer.stack.text tag add $invoc $stdepth.$length $stdepth.end
2530 $w add $portset
2701 $menu add command -label "Add a new directory" -command \
2703 $menu add separator
2708 $menu add command -label $item -command [list tkecl:change_one_path $name $p $item $i]
2937 foreach name $trinames { ;# add in the tristate modes
3421 $m add command -label "current: [lindex [$w configure -text] end]" ;#-state disabled
3422 $m add command -label "previous: $tkecl_displayvals($name,$widget(-row),$widget(-column),prev)" -state disabled
3423 $m add check -label "Break on updates" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
3428 $m add command -label "Inspect this term" -command \
3432 # $m add command -label "row: $widget(-row) col: $widget(-column)"
3448 add "Source Context" -window [frame $ec_source]
3569 $m add command -label "Find..." -command "tkecl:show-find source_debug .ec_tools.ec_tracer"
3571 $m add cascade -label "Display Predicate..." -menu $m.predmenu
3572 $m add separator
3573 $m add command -label "Refresh this file" -command \
3575 $m add command -label "Edit this file" -command [list tkecl:edit_file $tkecl(source_debug,file) $line]
3578 $m add separator
3585 $m add command -state disabled -label "Nearest tracable call\n$callname/$callarity in $parent"
3586 $m add command -label "Show predicate property for ths predicate" \
3680 $ec_breakstatus tag add $new_style $breakline.0 $breakline.end
3691 $w add [lindex $file 0] ;# $file is an atom (1-element list)
3714 $ec_sourcecon.text tag add hidden_cr $i
3740 # only add a terminating newline if the source file has one
3810 $ec_sourcetext tag add $style $from_idx $to_idx
3812 $ec_sourcetext tag add debug_line "$from_idx linestart" "$to_idx lineend"
3864 $ec_source.context.status tag add on $line.0 $line.end
3876 $predmenu add command -label [lindex $pred 1] -command "$ec_source.context.text see [lindex $pred 2].0" -columnbreak $brk
4022 $source tag add sel $result "$result + ${length}c"
4590 $w add command -label "Compile Scratch-pad" -command "tkecl:compile_pad"
4592 $w add command -label "Source File Manager" -command tkecl:popup_file_window
4594 $w add command -label "Predicate Browser" -command tkecl:popup_pred_prop
4596 $w add separator
4597 $w add command -label "Delayed Goals" -command tkecl:popup_dg_window
4599 $w add command -label "Tracer" -command tkecl:popup_tracer
4601 $w add command -label "Inspector" -command "tkinspect:Inspect_term_init current"
4603 $w add command -label "Visualisation Client" -command "tkecl:start_vc"
4604 $w add command -label "CP-Viz Viztool" -command "tkecl:start_viztool"
4605 $w add separator
4606 $w add command -label "Global Settings" -command tkecl:popup_global_state
4608 $w add command -label "Statistics" -command tkecl:handle_statistics
4610 $w add command -label "Simple Query" -command tkecl:rpc
4612 $w add command -label "ECLiPSe Library Browser and Help" -command tkecl:library_browser
4614 $w add separator
4615 # $w add command -label "ECLiPSe Help" -command tkecl:popup_help_window
4617 $w add command -label "TkECLiPSe Preference Editor" -command tkecl:popup_edit_defaults
4619 $w add separator
4620 $w add check -label "Balloon Help" -variable tkecl(pref,balloonhelp)
4621 # $w add command -label "Test" -command tkecl:test