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74 techniques, which can be found in other tutorials. This current report 
100 The methodology developed in the CHIC-II project \index{CHIC-II} looks at a much wider methodology question (\index{methodology}. It not only covers problems like how to select a problem solving technology to fit a particular problem, but also discusses project related issues like team composition\index{team composition}, rapid prototyping\index{rapid prototyping} and development of problem specifications. On the other hand, it does not discuss the details of developing an ECLiPSe application once the main design choices have been taken.
102 The book ``The Craft of Prolog'' by Richard O'Keefe is an invaluable source for writing efficient Prolog programs. Many of the techniques and tricks presented are also applicable to writing efficient ECLiPSe programs. The underlying maxim ``elegance is not optional'' summarizes the spirit of declarative programming. As the book is based on a standard Edinburgh style Prolog, it does not handle issues of module structure and in-line documentation, nor other ECLiPSe specific features.
104 The ECLiPSe documentation contains most of the information provided in this tutorial, but presents it in a very different way. Invariably, it describes all features of the system, many of which are only required for quite specific (if important) tasks like developing new constraint engines inside the system. It can be difficult to find which parts of the documentation contains important hints to solve a particular problem. On the other hand, it will be useful to look up each feature in the user manual and/or the reference manual as they occur in the tutorial.
120 We first review the overall application structure\index{application structure} found in systems developed at Parc Technologies (at least those using ECLiPSe for part of their development). We distinguish between two application types, one a full application with user-interface, database, reporting, etc, and the other a much smaller system, typically reading data from and to files and performing a single, batch type operation.
164 Examples of the first type (see figure~\ref{fullapplication}) are Parc Technologies applications ( like AirPlanner\index{AirPlanner} and RiskWise\index{RiskWise}\footnote{In the following we use a number of examples from the RiskWise application. It is a network analysis tool for IP networks, which uses a constraint solver to determine traffic pattern in the network. If this doesn't make any sense to you, relax. An understanding of the networking application domain is not required to follow this tutorial.}, where everything except the problem solver is developed in Java\index{Java} or related tools. The interface between the main application and the problem solver written in ECLiPSe is via a Java-ECLiPSe interface. In this interface, the main application poses queries for the ECLiPSe solver, passing data and arguments into ECLiPSe. The problem solver then runs the query and returns results as variable bindings in the given query. The Java side only knows about these queries, their data format and the expected results. The internals of the solver, how the queries are resolved, is completely hidden. This defines a nice interface between the application parts, as long as the queries are well defined and documented. Once that design is frozen, the developers for the different parts can continue development independently from each other, using stubs or dummy routines to simulate the other application parts.
208 Once the external API is clearly defined, we can start looking at the next level of internal structure. This will depend on the intended purpose of the system, but we can identify some typical structures that can be found in many applications. Here, we present two typical designs, one for solving combinatorial problems, the other for transforming data.
266 The main limitation of this approach is that all data must be loaded into the application (in main memory)\index{main memory}. This limits the size of the data sets that can be handled to several megabytes. On the other hand, all information can be made available in an efficient way using lookup hash tables or arrays, so that the implementation of the transformation is quite simple.
269 Once we have decided on a top-level structure, we must consider the input/output arguments of each part. We have to decide which data must be fed into which modules, where new data structures will be created and which other modules require this data. For each piece of information we must identify its source and its possible sinks. Designing these data flows is an iterative process, assigning functionality to modules and making sure that the required information is available. The design aim should be to minimize the amount of information that must be passed across module boundaries and to arrange functions in the correct data flow order, so that all information is produced before it is required in another module.
282 The {\it export}\index{export} directive makes some predicate definition available to users outside the module. All other predicates can be only used inside the module, but cannot be used from outside. A module effectively hides all non exported predicates in a separate name space\index{name space}, so that we do not have to worry about using the same name in two different modules.
309 If we want to use predicates defined in some library, we have to use the {\it lib}\index{library}\index{lib} directive. It loads the library from the library directory in the ECLiPSe installation, unless we have changed the library path setting to include other directories in the search path.
332 A program that is not documented is not usable. It is very hard to deduce the intention of a program piece just from the implementation, but even a few sentences of explanation can simplify this task dramatically. On the other hand, it is imperative that the documentation and the implementation are consistent. In ECLiPSe we use in-line {\it comment} \index{comment directive}directives to integrate the documentation with the program code. This makes it much easier to keep the documentation up to date than with a separate description file.
335 The {\it comment} directives are placed in the source code together with other parts of the program. The ECLiPSe system contains some library predicates which extract the comment directives and build a set of interrelated HTML \index{HTML}pages for the documentation. The same system is used to generate the reference manual \index{reference manual}documentation of the library predicates. The {\it comment} directives come in two flavours. One is a comment for a module\index{module comment}\index{comment, module}, which gives an overview what is module is for. As an example we again use the file {\it flow\_prepare\_data.ecl}.
348 The other form of the {\it comment} directive is the predicate comment\index{predicate comment}\index{comment, predicate}, which describes a particular predicate.
422 In this chapter we discuss the choice of data structures for the different application parts. Next to the top-level design, this is the most important aspect that must be specified correctly right from the beginning of a project. The wrong choice of a data structure may mean significant re-work in order to change some deficiency later on, while on the other hand a good data structure design can simplify the coding process and can lead to a very efficient implementation.
473 The principal data representation feature of ECLiPSe are named structures\index{named structure}\index{structure, named}. These are terms were each argument is linked to an argument name. We can access one or more of the arguments with the {\it with}\index{with} operator. Named structures are very similar to structures in other languages, the arguments of the structure correspond to attributes of the entity represented. Different attributes can have different types, so that we can store diverse information in a named structure.
475 In order to use a structure, it must be defined with a {\it struct}\index{struct} definition. We can define a structure either {\it local}\index{local struct} to a module or {\it export} \index{export struct}the definition so that the same structure can be used in other modules which import the definition. As part of a systematic design we normally create a module which contains nothing but exported structure definitions. This module is then imported with a {\it use\_module}\index{use\_module} directive in all other modules of the application which use the structures. If a structure is used in one module only, we should define it as a local structure in that module.
501 \index{placeholder variables}If we do not specify a fixed attribute value when the named structure is created, then its value will be a free variable which can be bound later on. This is useful for two main purposes. On one side we can define attributes of a structure which will hold the constraint variables\index{constraint variables} of a problem, on the other side we can leave some attributes initially unassigned so that we can fill these slots with results of a computation later on.
610 Very often, other parameters must be passed either to the guards, or to the actions.
640 Here we branch on information passed in the first two arguments, and return a result in the last argument. The last clause is a default rule, saying that the interface type is {\it customer}, if none of the other rules applied.
971 % all other types: backbone,backbone_net,interconnection,local
1309 {\it findall} examplifies a typical {\it meta-predicate}\index{meta predicate}, the second argument is actually a goal that will be executed. There are a number of other predicates of this type, and this feature can be extremely useful in writing interpreters, emulators etc, which treat data as program parts.
1493 This method is very easy to use if both source and sink of the data are ECLiPSe programs. Unfortunately, data provided by other applications will normally not be in the Prolog term format. For them we will have to use some other techniques\footnote{We should at this point again mention the possibilities of the EXDR format which can be easily read into ECLiPSe, and which is usually simpler to generate in other languages than the canonical Prolog format.}.
1897 On the other hand, a number of problems are normally not recognized by a review:
1912 A common error is to open some file without closing it before leaving. This typically happens if it is opened in one part of the program and closed in another part. Normally everything works fine, but under some exceptional circumstances the second part is not executed, leaving the file open. This can consume system resources quite quickly, leading to follow-on problems. It is a good idea to verify that every call to {\it open/3} is followed by a {\it close/1}, even if some other part of the program unexpectedly fails.
1933 \item Variable names\index{variable name} are of form [A-Z\_][a-zA-Z]*[0-9]* . Separate words star with capital letters. Words should be English. The plural should be used for lists and other collections. Digits should only be used at the end to distinguish different versions of the same conceptual thing.
1947 \item All numeric constants\index{numeric constants} should be parametrized via facts. There should be no numeric values (other than 0 and 1) in rules.
1972 \item other global operations and settings
2126 This section lists essential ECLiPSe built-in and library predicates. These predicates are used in most applications, and should be well understood. There are more than 1000 other built-in and library predicates which are required for specific tasks only.
2131 \item[use\_module directive]\index{use\_module directive} make predicates from other module available