Lines Matching refs:Type

473 process_inspect_command(childnodes(Type,Arity,LSize,["1"|Path]), Term, Reply, Module) ?- !,
479 Type + Arity are the type and arity of the node; LSize is the current
482 provide_childnodes(Type, Path, Term, Arity, LSize, Reply, Module).
641 get_type(Sub, Type, M),
642 get_summary_info(Type, Sub, Arity, Summary),
643 Reply = [Out, Summary, Type, Arity].
646 get_type(Sub, Type, M) :-
648 refine_type(Type1, Sub, M, Type).
650 refine_type(var, Var, _, Type) :- !,
651 (meta(Var) -> Type = attributed ; Type = var).
652 refine_type(compound, C, M, Type) :- !,
655 Type = ncompound
657 Type = list
659 Type = compound
661 refine_type(goal, S, _, Type) :- !,
664 Type = suspended
666 Type = scheduled
667 ; Type = dead
669 refine_type(handle, H, _, Type) :-
671 Type = exphandle.
672 refine_type(Type, _Var, _, Type).
682 get_summary_info(Type, Term, A, Out) ?-
683 get_functorarity(Type, Term, F, A),
686 print_subterm(Type, S, F, A),
830 UnmodifiedChild = [PrintTerm, Summary, Type, Arity],
833 Child = [ModifiedPrintTerm, ModifiedSummary, Type, Arity]
945 /* make_display_matrix_body(+Matrix, +Prio, +Type, +SList, +Name)
947 terms. Prio is the priority the demon would be suspended at, Type is
952 make_display_matrix_body(List/NRow, Prio, Type, SList, Name0, Module) ?- !,
954 make_display_matrix_body(Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name0, Module).
955 make_display_matrix_body(List, Prio, Type, SList, Name0, Module) :-
958 make_display_matrix_body(Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name0, Module).
959 make_display_matrix_body(Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name, Module) :-
963 (set_up_matdisplay(Dims, Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name, Id, SL, Module) ->
968 make_display_matrix_body(Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name, Module) :-
971 error(Error, make_display_matrix(Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name), Module).
995 set_up_matdisplay([N], Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name, Id, SL, Module) ?- !,
997 set_up_matrowdis(1, N, Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Id, SL, []),
999 set_up_matdisplay([M,N], Matrix, Prio, Type, SList, Name, Id, SL, Module) ?-
1001 (foreacharg(Row, Matrix), param(N,Prio,Type,SList,Id), count(I, 1, M),
1003 set_up_matrowdis(I, N, Row, Prio, Type, SList, Id, S0, S1)
1006 set_up_matrowdis(CurrentRow, ColSize, Row, Prio, Type, SList, Id, SLIn, SLOut) :-
1008 param(CurrentRow,Prio,Type,Id,SList) do
1009 set_up_mattermdis(E, CurrentRow, I, Prio, Type, SList, Id, SL0, SL1)
1013 set_up_mattermdis(E, Row, Col, Prio, Type, SList, Id, [Susp|Out], Out) :-
1015 get_display_string(E, Type, String, _),
1016 suspend(term_display_demon(E,Row,Col,Id,Type,String, Susp), Prio, E->SList, Susp),
1017 Type1 = Type
1031 term_display_demon(Term, Row, Col, Id, Type, _Old, Susp) :-
1032 send_display_elm(Term, Row, Col, Id, Type, String),
1056 send_display_elm(E, Row, Col, Id, Type, String) :-
1057 get_display_string(E, Type, String, TState),
1230 lbindex_info([P|Ps], [Type|Types], _, [PInfo|PInfo0], Deepest) :-
1231 get_onelbindex_info(Type, P, PInfo, ActualType),