Lines Matching refs:find

476 which allows the reader to find a given function very quickly.  On average there are $76$ lines of code per source
1226 work for GCC and not MSVC. As such it is ideal to find a common ground for as many compilers as possible. Pointer
2470 $\left [ 2 \right ] $ & Devise a chart to find optimal values of $k$ for the previous problem \\
2784 $ix$ is. This is used for the immediately subsequent statement where we find $iy$.
3129 integers the coefficients of the polynomial basis representations $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are known and can be used to find the relations required.
3132 to the points $16 \cdot \zeta_{1 \over 2}, \zeta_{2}$ and $\zeta_{1}$ respectively. These are found using logical shifts to independently find
3411 multiplications to find the $\zeta$ relations, squaring operations are performed instead.
3529 instead of multiplication to find the five relations. The reader is encouraged to read the description of the latter algorithm and try to
3678 another $n^2$ single precision multiplications to find the residue. In total $3n^2$ single precision multiplications are required to
3691 Let $a$ represent the number of which the residue is sought. Let $b$ represent the modulus used to find the residue. Let $m$ represent
3717 precision multiplications, ignoring the subtractions required. In total $2m^2 + m$ single precision multiplications are required to find the residue.
4370 three passes were required to find the residue $x \equiv 126$.
4574 The algorithm mp\_count\_bits calculates the number of bits in an mp\_int which is used to find the initial value of $p$. The call to mp\_div\_2d
5061 Setup the table of small powers of $g$. First find $g^{2^{winsize}}$ and then all multiples of it. \\
5288 To find the first digit of the quotient the value of $k$ must be maximized such that $kx\beta^t$ is less than or equal to $y$ and
5290 used to find the maximum is to ``eyeball'' the two numbers, typically only the leading digits and quickly estimate a quotient. By only using leading
5408 Now find the remainder fo the digits. \\
5666 compiler does not recognize that optimization and will actually produce two function calls to find the quotient and remainder respectively.
5722 $x^{b - 1}$. This value can then be multiplied by $x$ and have $a$ subtracted from it to find the numerator. This saves a total of $b - 1$
5726 root. Ideally this algorithm is meant to find the $n$'th root of an input where $n$ is bounded by $2 \le n \le 5$.
5738 factoring for example, can make use of random values as starting points to find factors of a composite integer. In this case the algorithm presented
5992 However, instead of factoring $b - a$ to find a suitable value of $p$ the powers of $p$ can be removed from $a$ and $b$ that are in common first.
6448 the Diophantine $Cb + Da = 1$ only $B$ and $D$ are required to find the inverse of $a$.