Lines Matching refs:request

163 In addition to the forwarding table, each node maintains a routing table. The routing table is used for channel set-up: If a node receives a channel set-up request, it determines where to forward the request with the help of its routing table. 
209 \item A client dispatcher initiates the set-up process by calling the bind function of the multi-hop interconnect driver. This function forwards the bind request to the monitor running on the client dispatcher's core. The bind request includes various parameters, including the \emph{iref} of the service and the client's (ingoing) virtual circuit identifier.
211 \item The monitor running on the client dispatcher's core determines (from the iref) the core on which the service resides. It then forwards the bind request to another monitor, which is determined based on the routing table.
213 \item Monitors receiving the bind request check whether the service is running on the same core as they are. If so, they determine the local dispatcher which has exported this iref and forward the request to it. Otherwise, the bind request is forwarded to another monitor in the same way as in step two.
215 \item As soon as the service's dispatcher receives the bind request, it runs the user provided connection callback. Based on the return value of this callback, it either accepts the connection or rejects it. In any case, the bind reply is sent back to the monitor.
217 \item The monitor proxies the bind replay back to where it received the bind request from.
257 The routing tables are used to determine where to forward a connection set-up request. Each monitor needs its own routing table. We currently support the automatic generation of routing tables for three basic modes of routing:
262 \item \textbf{Ring}: We route over all cores of a system. Core $i$ forwards a request to core $i+1$ mod num\_cores.
264 \item \textbf{Fat tree}: We route directly between the cores that are located on the same CPU socket. On each socket, we choose a ''leader'' and route directly between all leaders. A set-up request for a core on a different socket is always forwarded over the local leader to the leader on that socket.