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4 % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
6 % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
15 % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc.
32 This means that (on parallel hardware) the alternatives of
39 A parallel {\eclipse} session consists of a number of processes that jointly
42 On a multi-processor machine, the number of workers should match the
43 number of physical processors available on the machine.
47 power of the machine cannot be fully exploited since some processors
60 \item[--w $<$number of workers$>$] The initial number of workers.
88 alternative solutions of colour(X), and X would successively take the values
95 \item the order of the clauses is not relevant
106 in parallel, as a consequence of the nondeterminism in colour/1.
110 of central points in a program in order to achieve parallel speedup.
122 i.e.\ a call of {\tt fork(100, X)} generates the numbers between 1 and 100
129 used and are built on top of the above mentioned primitives.
131 \bipref{par_maplist/3}{../bips/lib/par_util/par_maplist-3.html} etc.\ are parallel versions of the corresponding
133 It also contains \bip{\&/2} which implements a restricted form of
136 a parallel version of \bipref{indomain/1}{../bips/lib/fd/indomain-1.html}.
138 a parallel version of \bipref{refine/1}{../bips/lib/conjunto_fd_sets/refine-1.html}.
163 Measuring runtimes of parallel executions is especially tricky,
166 The simplest way is to measure true elapsed time instead of cputimes,
172 where {\tt T} is the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the parallel
175 \subsection{Amount of Parallelism}
194 Workers in a parallel {\eclipse} session can be in one of two states:
197 is active. New workers can be added and the number of active workers
203 will stop working at an appropriate point of the execution.
211 the worker configuration. For example, to enquire about the number of
222 This means that the there are a total of 3 workers on the machine
223 ``turing'', out of which 2 are active. In the above example, if one
238 access will be sequentialised such that one of them writes first, and
245 \bipref{mutex/2}{../bips/kernel/control/mutex-2.html}. It can be used to make a sequence of several goals atomic,
246 ie.\ to make sure that the execution of a piece of code is not interleaved
247 with the execution of similarly protected code on other workers.
250 of atomic_write_list/1 in parallel:
261 The semantics of cut follows the philosophy that the order of clauses in
275 Some features of sequential {\eclipse} are not fully
283 \item File queries: When a compiled file contains queries (i.e.\ lines of
299 releases most of these restrictions will be removed, however, it is
315 the user to query total cpu usage of all active workers.
329 When the system complains about lack of swap space, then it is likely
341 A parallel {\eclipse} session consists of
345 This is usually the parent process of the whole parallel session.
349 \item A number of worker processes {\tt eclipse.exec}.
356 The name server is a support process and is not really part of a
367 After a machine crash or after an abnormal termination of a parallel
378 is the process number of the peclipse process.