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38 \item[bang_arity(+RelationName, ?Arity)]{Get the number of attributes in a relation.}
40 \item[bang_attribute(+RelationName, +Position, ?Spec)]{Get the specification of an attribute in a relation.}
42 \item[bang_cardinality(+RelationName, ?Count)]{Get the number of tuples in a relation.}
44 \item[bang_createrel(?RelationName, ?SpecList, +OptionList)]{Create a relation.}
46 \item[bang_delete(+RelationName, +Condition)]{Delete all tuples in relation that are selected by condition.}
48 \item[bang_delete_tup(+RelationName, +Tuple)]{Delete all occurrences of the tuple from the relation.}
50 \item[bang_delete_tup(+RelationName, +Tuple, -Status)]{Delete all occurrences of the tuple from the relation and return a status.}
52 \item[bang_destroyrel(+RelationName)]{Destroy a relation i.e. remove it from the database.}
54 \item[bang_diff(+Rel1, +Rel2, +Condition, +Projection, ?RelOut)]{Relational difference operation, also known as complementary join.}
56 \item[bang_diff(+Rel1, +Rel2, +Condition, +Projection, ?RelOut, +Action)]{Relational difference operation, also known as complementary join.}
58 \item[bang_exist(+RelationName, +Condition)]{Succeeds if there exist at least one tuple in the relation that fulfills the selection condition.}
60 \item[bang_existrel(+RelationName)]{Succeed if the relation exists.}
62 \item[bang_format(+RelationName, ?SpecList)]{Obtain the list of attribute specification.}
64 \item[bang_format(+RelationName, ?SpecList, ?Arity)]{Obtain the list of attribute specification and the arity of a relation.}
66 \item[bang_free_cursor]{Closes all tuple retrievals that are currently open.}
68 \item[bang_insert(+RelationName, +Tuple)]{Insert a tuple into a relation.}
70 \item[bang_insert(+RelationName, +Tuple, -Status)]{Insert a tuple into a relation and return a status.}
72 \item[bang_join(+Rel1, +Rel2, +Condition, +Projection, ?RelOut)]{Relational join operation.}
74 \item[bang_join(+Rel1, +Rel2, +Condition, +Projection, ?RelOut, +Action)]{Relational join operation.}
76 \item[bang_recover(+DatabasePath)]{Recover a consistent database after a failed multi-database transaction.}
78 \item[bang_register(+Flag, ?Value)]{Obtain several internal values of the database.}
80 \item[bang_renamerel(+OldName, +NewName)]{Change the name of a relation.}
82 \item[bang_renamerel(+OldName, +NewName, +NewAttributes)]{Change the name and/or the attribute names of a relation.}
84 \item[bang_retrieve(+RelationName, ?Tuple, +Condition)]{Tuple at a time retrieval. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved.}
86 \item[bang_retrieve_delete(+RelName, ?Tuple, +Condition)]{Tuple at a time retrieval with deletion. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved and deleted.}
88 \item[bang_retrieve_delete(+RelName, ?Tuple, +Condition, +Test)]{Tuple at a time retrieval with deletion. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved and deleted.}
90 \item[bang_retrieve_list(+RelationName, +Condition, ?List)]{Retrieve the list of all tuples that satisfy the given condition.}
92 \item[bang_select(+Rel, +Condition, +Projection, ?RelOut)]{Relational selection and projection operation.}
94 \item[bang_select(+Rel, +Condition, +Projection, ?RelOut, +Action)]{Relational selection and projection operation.}
96 \item[closedb]{Close a database and remove all temporary relations. Fails if no database open.}
98 \item[closedb(+DBhandle)]{Close the open database specified by {\it DBhandle} and remove all temporary relations. Fails if no database is open.}
100 \item[createdb(+DatabasePath)]{Create a new database or open a database if it already exists.}
102 \item[createdb(+DatabasePath, ?DBhandle)]{Create or open a database and assign a database handle.}
104 \item[current_relation(?RelationName)]{Succeeds if {\it RelationName} is a permanent relation in the database.}
106 \item[current_temp_relation(?RelationName)]{Succeeds if {\it RelationName} is a temporary relation in the database.}
108 \item[current_time(+TimerName, ?Value)]{Get the current time from an internal timer.}
110 \item[delta_time(+TimerName, ?Delta)]{Get the time since the last call from an internal timer.}
112 \item[destroy_temprels]{Destroy all temporary relations in the database.}
114 \item[destroydb]{Destroy the currently open database.}
116 \item[destroydb(+DBhandle)]{Destroy the currently open database specified by {\it DBhandle}.}
118 \item[database_parameter(+Name, ?Value)]{Set or retrieve the value of an internal parameter.}
120 \item[opendb(+DatabasePath)]{Open a database.}
122 \item[opendb(+DatabasePath, ?DBhandle)]{Open a database and assign a database handle to it.}
124 \item[resource(?PageReclaims, ?PageFaults, ?Swaps)]{Get information about paging and swapping from the operating system.}
126 \item[statistics_bang]{Print information about activity of the page buffer management.}
128 \item[statistics_desc]{Print information about internal management of relations and corresponding UNIX files.}
130 \item[statistics_lock]{Print information about lock management.}
132 \item[statistics_relation(+RelationName)]{Print information on the pages of {\it RelationName} that are currently in the page buffers.}
134 \item[transaction(+Goal)]{Meta calls {\it Goal} in a transaction context.}
136 %\item[transaction_commit]{Commit a transaction started with {\pbf transaction_start/0}.}
138 %\item[transaction_start]{Start a transaction.}
140 %\item[transaction_undo]{Undo a transaction started with {\pbf transaction_start/0}.}