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Lines Matching defs:domain

40  * DESCRIPTION:         Finite domain data type and the handling of
50 % domain access
54 % domain modification
60 % domain processing
70 * A domain variable that apears in some constraints is represented
75 :- export struct(fd(domain, min, max, any)).
80 * min - goals to be woken if the domain minimum changes
81 * max - goals to be woken if the domain maximum changes
82 * any - the delayed goals woken if the domain is changed
84 * domain - the representation of the domain itself dom(List, Size)
88 * fd with domain:D
117 domain:(any of fd),
156 % domain access
161 % domain processing
243 tr_fd_domain_out(_{fd:(fd with domain:dom(D, _))}, T) :-
246 tr_fd_domain_out(fd with domain:dom(D, _), T) :-
313 AttrY = fd with domain:DomY,
314 AttrX = fd with domain:DomX,
329 % Do the wakings that result from changing Attr's domain to NewDom
331 Attr = fd with [domain:D],
375 test_unify_term_domain(Term, fd with domain:D) :-
387 test_unify_domain_domain(Y, fd with domain:DomX, fd with domain:DomY) :-
391 dvar_replace(Y, NewDom). % may create a singleton domain;
432 compare_instances_iattr_attr(Res, fd{domain:DX}, fd{domain:DY}) ?-
437 compare_instances_const_attr(Res, X, fd{domain:DY}) ?-
443 compare_instances_attr_const(Res, fd{domain:DX}, Y) ?-
460 copy_term_domain(_, Copy, fd with domain:dom(D, S)) :-
466 empty_domain(D, fd with [domain:D, any:[], min:[], max:[]]).
518 % Attaching and querying the domain
523 % The variable(s) Vars have the domain Domain
542 % fd_dom_simple(+varset, +domain)
623 % Create a representation of the domain.
739 % Make an integer domain out of sorted integer and interval lists.
762 is_integer_domain(_{fd:(fd with domain:D)}) :-
767 get_fd_bounds(_{fd:(fd with [domain:D])}, L, H) :- -?-> !,
779 dvar_domain(_{fd:(fd with [domain:D])}, Domain) :-
803 % Replace the domain by another one, do all checks
818 DS = fd with domain:dom(_, OldSize),
843 dvar_msg(_A{fd:fd{domain:DA}}, B, M) ?- !,
845 dvar_msg(A, _B{fd:fd{domain:DB}}, M) ?- !,
852 % even if B is an atomic term, A is neither an atomic term nor a domain variable
854 % A is a domain variable
855 msg_domain(DA, _B{fd:fd{domain:DB}}, M) ?- !,
872 % B is not a domain variable
882 indomain(Var{fd:(fd with domain:D)}) :-
892 par_indomain(Var{fd:(fd with domain:D)}) :-
902 % Enumerate the elements of a domain.
926 % Enumerate the elements of a domain (in parallel).
966 % Convert a domain to a list of its elements.