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Lines Matching refs:mu

1711 variable $\mu$ is set to zero outside the loop.  Inside the loop an ``addition'' step requires three statements to produce
1713 two digits from $a$ and $b$ are added together along with the carry $\mu$. The carry of this step is extracted and stored
1714 in $\mu$ and finally the digit of the result $c_n$ is truncated within the range $0 \le c_n < \beta$.
3666 Using the notation from \cite{BARRETT} the value of $\lfloor 2^q / b \rfloor$ will be represented by the $\mu$ symbol. Using the $\mu$
3670 c = a - b \cdot \lfloor (a \cdot \mu)/2^q \rfloor
3681 For example, if $b = 1179677$ and $q = 41$ ($2^q > b^2$), then the reciprocal $\mu$ is equal to $\lfloor 2^q / b \rfloor = 1864089$. Consider reducing
3682 $a = 180388626447$ modulo $b$ using the above reduction equation. The quotient using the new formula is $\lfloor (a \cdot \mu) / 2^q \rfloor = 152913$.
3704 c = a - b \cdot \lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor
3710 $\lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor$ can be off from the true quotient by at most two. The original fixed point quotient can be off
3713 $0 \le a - b \cdot \lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor < 3b$. By first subtracting $b$ times the quotient and then conditionally subtracting
3721 represent the value of which the residue is desired. In this case $q = 8$ since $10^7 < 9999^2$ meaning that $\mu = \lfloor \beta^{q}/b \rfloor = 10001$.
3723 $\lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor = 9993$. Subtracting $9993b$ from $a$ and the correct residue $a \equiv 9871 \mbox{ (mod }b\mbox{)}$
3731 After the first multiplication inside the quotient ($q_0 \cdot \mu$) the value is shifted right by $m + 1$ places effectively nullifying the lower
3736 The value of $\mu$ is a $m$-digit number and $q_0$ is a $m + 1$ digit number. Using a full multiplier $(m + 1)(m) = m^2 + m$ single precision
3742 multiple of the modulus, that is $0 \le a - b \cdot \lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor < 3b$. If $b$ is $m$ digits than the
3746 The next optimization arises from this very fact. Instead of computing $b \cdot \lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor$ using a full
3760 \textbf{Input}. mp\_int $a$, mp\_int $b$ and $\mu = \lfloor \beta^{2m}/b \rfloor, m = \lceil lg_{\beta}(b) \rceil, (0 \le a < b^2, b > 1)$ \\
3768 3. $q \leftarrow q \cdot \mu$ (\textit{note: only produce digits at or above $m-1$}) \\
3802 Technically the algorithm will still work if $a \ge b^2$ but it will take much longer to finish. The value of $\mu$ is passed as an argument to this
3811 $a \ge b \cdot \lfloor (q_0 \cdot \mu) / \beta^{m+1} \rfloor$ only the lower $m+1$ digits are being used to compute the residue, so an implied
3831 In order to use algorithm mp\_reduce the value of $\mu$ must be calculated in advance. Ideally this value should be computed once and stored for
3840 \textbf{Output}. $\mu \leftarrow \lfloor \beta^{2m}/a \rfloor$ \\
3842 1. $\mu \leftarrow 2^{2 \cdot lg(\beta) \cdot m}$ (\textit{mp\_2expt}) \\
3843 2. $\mu \leftarrow \lfloor \mu / b \rfloor$ (\textit{mp\_div}) \\
3853 This algorithm computes the reciprocal $\mu$ required for Barrett reduction. First $\beta^{2m}$ is calculated as $2^{2 \cdot lg(\beta) \cdot m}$ which
3854 is equivalent and much faster. The final value is computed by taking the integer quotient of $\lfloor \mu / b \rfloor$.
3863 This simple routine calculates the reciprocal $\mu$ required by Barrett reduction. Note the extended usage of algorithm mp\_div where the variable
4005 \hspace{3mm}1.1 $x \leftarrow x + \mu n \beta^t$ \\
4014 The value $\mu n \beta^t$ is a multiple of the modulus $n$ meaning that it will not change the residue. If the first digit of
4015 the value $\mu n \beta^t$ equals the negative (modulo $\beta$) of the $t$'th digit of $x$ then the addition will result in a zero digit. This
4020 $x_t + \mu n_0$ & $\equiv$ & $0 \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
4021 $\mu n_0$ & $\equiv$ & $-x_t \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
4022 $\mu$ & $\equiv$ & $-x_t/n_0 \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
4026 In each iteration of the loop on step 1 a new value of $\mu$ must be calculated. The value of $-1/n_0 \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ is used
4035 \hline \textbf{Step ($t$)} & \textbf{Value of $x$} & \textbf{Value of $\mu$} \\
4037 \hline $0$ & $33 + \mu n = 50$ & $1$ \\
4038 \hline $1$ & $50 + \mu n \beta = 900$ & $5$ \\
4073 \hspace{3mm}5.1 $\mu \leftarrow x_{ix} \cdot \rho \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
4076 \hspace{6mm}5.3.1 $\hat r \leftarrow \mu n_{iy} + x_{ix + iy} + u$ \\
4099 on algorithm 14.32 of \cite[pp.601]{HAC} except it merges the multiplication of $\mu n \beta^t$ with the addition in the inner loop. The
4107 Step 5 is the main reduction loop of the algorithm. The value of $\mu$ is calculated once per iteration in the outer loop. The inner loop
4108 calculates $x + \mu n \beta^{ix}$ by multiplying $\mu n$ and adding the result to $x$ shifted by $ix$ digits. Both the addition and
4123 routine can be used instead. Line 47 computes the value of $\mu$ for that particular iteration of the outer loop.
4125 The multiplication $\mu n \beta^{ix}$ is performed in one step in the inner loop. The alias $tmpx$ refers to the $ix$'th digit of $x$ and
4135 The biggest obstacle is that at the $ix$'th iteration of the outer loop the value of $x_{ix}$ is required to calculate $\mu$. This means the
4160 \hspace{3mm}4.1 $\mu \leftarrow \hat W_{ix} \cdot \rho \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
4162 \hspace{6mm}4.2.1 $\hat W_{iy + ix} \leftarrow \hat W_{iy + ix} + \mu \cdot n_{iy}$ \\
4217 The value of $\mu$ is calculated in an interesting fashion. First the value $\hat W_{ix}$ is reduced modulo $\beta$ and cast to a mp\_digit. This
4413 3. $\mu \leftarrow 0$ \\
4415 \hspace{3mm}4.1 $\hat r \leftarrow k \cdot x_{m+i} + x_{i} + \mu$ \\
4417 \hspace{3mm}4.3 $\mu \leftarrow \lfloor \hat r / \beta \rfloor$ \\
4418 5. $x_{m} \leftarrow \mu$ \\
5057 3. Initialize $2^{winsize}$ mp\_ints in an array named $M$ and one mp\_int named $\mu$ \\
5058 4. Calculate the $\mu$ required for Barrett Reduction (\textit{mp\_reduce\_setup}). \\
5127 15. Clear $res$, $mu$ and the $M$ array. \\
5579 6. $\mu \leftarrow 0$ \\
5581 \hspace{3mm}7.1 $\hat r \leftarrow \mu + a_{ix}b$ \\
5583 \hspace{3mm}7.3 $\mu \leftarrow \lfloor \hat r / \beta \rfloor$ \\
5584 8. $c_{pa} \leftarrow \mu$ \\