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128 \item boot \textless target coreid\textgreater: Boots a new core with a KCB.
129 \item stop \textless target coreid\textgreater: Stop execution on an existing core.
130 \item update \textless target coreid\textgreater: Update the CPU driver on an existing core.
131 \item give \textless from kcbid\textgreater \textless to kcbid\textgreater: Give kcb from one core to another.
132 \item rmkcb \textless kcbid\textgreater: Remove a running KCB from a core.
133 %\item park \textless kcbid to stop\textgreater \textless recv kcbid\textgreater: Stop execution on an existing core and park KCB on another core.
134 %\item unpark \textless kcbid to unpark\textgreater: Reestablish parked KCB on its original core.
135 \item lscpu: List current status of all cores.
136 \item lskcb: List current KCBs.
146 \item -d, --debug: Print debug information
147 \item -k, --kernel \textless binary\textgreater: Overwrite default kernel binary.
148 \item -x, --monitor \textless binary\textgreater: Overwrite default monitor binary.
149 \item -a, --kargs \textless args\textgreater: Overwrite default kernel command line arguments.
150 \item -n, --newkcb: Create a new KCB even if there is already one for that core.
151 \item -m, --nomsg: Don't wait for a monitor message.
162 \item The new core is detected by some platform-specific mechanism (e.g., ACPI)
171 \item \texttt{enabled}: A boolean field that says if the core is usable or not
175 \item \texttt{barrelfish\_id}: A unique integer identifier used by Barrelfish to
178 \item \texttt{hw\_id}: An identifier assigned by the hardware/platform to this
181 \item \texttt{type}: A number that corresponds to that cores architecture as
186 \item Barrelfish selects and starts an appropriate boot driver for the new core.
190 \item The boot driver selects a kernel binary and arguments for the new core,
197 \item The boot driver loads and relocates the kernel, and executes the hardware
203 \item The new kernel initializes and uses existing Barrelfish protocols for
209 \item The monitor will inform the other boot driver about its existence by
216 \item The SKB is updated with information about the new core: The core is marked
227 \item The core id is invalid: If we don't find the core in the SKB,
230 \item The core is already running: In that case we abort with an error.
232 \item The core has been booted before: By default ``corectrl'' will check if
251 \item Invoke hardware specific protocol to stop the core.
253 \item Optional: Update meta-data in SKB to mark core as stopped.
279 \item The boot driver instructs its local monitor to send a message to the
283 \item The boot driver sends message to the monitor of the destination KCB,
287 \item The destination CPU driver will do some minimal initialization, resetting
291 \item The boot driver will update the SKB to change the core assigned to the
301 \item The target or destination KCB ID is invalid: The operation is aborted.
303 \item The destination KCB is not currently assigned a core: The operation is
306 \item The target KCB is not currently running on a core: The step where we
316 \item The boot driver instructs its local monitor to send a message to the
319 \item Upon receipt, the monitor of the target KCB will instruct the CPU driver
329 \item The KCB id is invalid: If we don't find the KCB capability in the SKB,
332 \item The KCB is not dispatched on any core: If the KCB is not currently