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61 \item On the \emph{Intel Single Chip Cloud Computer} (SCC), the set of memory a core can access is determined by the setup of its Look Up Tables (LUTs). It is possible that these tables are set-up in such a manner that
130 A multi-hop channel can only be set up between two dispatchers running on different cores. It always leads through the two monitors running on each dispatcher's core. Between those two monitors the multi-hop channel can lead through an arbitrary number of additional monitors. We call all the monitors that lie on a multi-hop channel \emph{nodes}. All the nodes of a multi-hop channel must be connected by means of other ICD-links (such as LMP or UMP ICD-links).
132 Once a multi-hop channel is set up, it can be used to exchange messages between the two dispatchers. The multi-hop channel transports messages by passing them to the underlying interconnect driver on each link between the nodes of the multi-hop channel.
136 \item A mechanism to set up new multi-hop channels between dispatchers addressed by end-point identifiers
157 Messaging in Barrelfish is connection-oriented: messages are passed via an explicit binding object, which encapsulates one half of a connection, and such a binding must be established in advance. Therefore, we have decided to support only connection-oriented multi-hop messaging (for now). The multi-hop interconnect driver is designed in such a way that channel set-up is collapsed into the binding phase.
161 Each monitor maintains a forwarding table. For each multi-hop channel, entries are created in the forwarding tables at all the nodes of that channel. Messages that are sent over the channel are forwarded at each node according to its forwarding table. Those entries in the forwarding tables can be seen as per-channel created \emph{hard} state: It is explicitly created at channel set-up and deleted at channel tear-down. Additionally to the entries in the forwarding table, per-channel created state includes bindings to the neighbouring nodes on the multi-hop channel.
163 In addition to the forwarding table, each node maintains a routing table. The routing table is used for channel set-up: If a node receives a channel set-up request, it determines where to forward the request with the help of its routing table.
170 \caption{Basic set-up}\label{fig:multihop-chan}
175 A multi-hop channel is multiplexed over the available ICD links. However, for each multi-hop channel, there will be two additional ICD links: Two additional LMP channels will be created between the client's dispatcher and the monitor running on its core and between the service's dispatcher and the monitor on its core. LMP channels are rather cheap - they do not require polling and require only a small amount of memory. Therefore, this does not compromise our goal of optimizing resource usage. Figure~\ref{fig:multihop-chan} shows an example set-up of a multi-hop channel with the two additional LMP channels.
184 We assign virtual circuit identifiers at random. At each node, we use a hash table to map virtual circuit identifiers to a pointer to the channel state. The use of a hash table allows efficient message forwarding. When a message arrives, it can be determined where to forward this message by means of a simple look-up in the hash table. The complexity of this lookup is linear in the number of virtual circuit identifiers that map to the same hash bucket (the number of buckets in the hash table is a compile time constant).
188 This design requires that each node on a multi-hop channel tells its neighbours what virtual circuit identifier they should use for messages sent over that particular channel. This happens in the set-up phase of a multi-hop channel (see section~\ref{section: set-up}).
198 \section{Channel set-up}
199 \label{section: set-up}
200 If two dispatchers want to communicate with the help of the multi-hop interconnect driver, they have to create a multi-hop channel first. During channel-set up, one dispatcher must act as the client and the other as the server (however, once a channel is established, the communication process on both sides of the channel is indistinguishable).
202 The channel set-up process can be initiated by invoking the \texttt{multihop\_chan\_bind} function of the multihop interconnect driver. It has to be remarked that normally a user does not interact directly with the multi-hop interconnect driver, but only over the flounder generated stubs (see chapter~\ref{chapter: flounder integration} ).
205 The channel set-up process works as follows:
209 \item A client dispatcher initiates the set-up process by calling the bind function of the multi-hop interconnect driver. This function forwards the bind request to the monitor running on the client dispatcher's core. The bind request includes various parameters, including the \emph{iref} of the service and the client's (ingoing) virtual circuit identifier.
223 In order to support setting up connections between dispatchers, the existing messaging interfaces between dispatchers and their local monitor, and between monitors has been extended.
230 Once the multi-hop channel is set-up, messages can be sent in both directions. A message can be sent by invoking the \texttt{multihop\_send\_message} function of the interconnect driver. This function requires that the message payload is passed as one (char) array. If a user-defined message contains multiple arguments that are not stored in continuous memory locations, either the user-defined message must be split up in multiple multi-hop messages, or a new array must be allocated and all message arguments must be copied into the newly allocated array (see chapter~\ref{chapter: flounder integration} for a discussion).
257 The routing tables are used to determine where to forward a connection set-up request. Each monitor needs its own routing table. We currently support the automatic generation of routing tables for three basic modes of routing:
260 \item \textbf{Direct}: All set-up requests are immediately forwarded to the end-receiver.
264 \item \textbf{Fat tree}: We route directly between the cores that are located on the same CPU socket. On each socket, we choose a ''leader'' and route directly between all leaders. A set-up request for a core on a different socket is always forwarded over the local leader to the leader on that socket.
271 For this reason, we decided to create a separate module, called the \emph{routing table set-up dispatcher} (RTS) that talks to the system knowledge base and to the initial monitor (the monitor that is first booted). The routing table set-up dispatcher will retrieve the required information from the system knowledge base in order to construct the routing table. Once it has constructed the routing table, it will send it to the initial monitor.
273 The initial monitor will forward the (relevant parts of the) routing table to the other monitors once they are booted. This is necessary because we want to avoid having to create a channel between each monitor and the routing table set-up dispatcher.
275 It must be noted that the routing table set-up dispatcher can only generate the routing tables for the cores of a single system. It cannot handle set-ups like an Intel single chip cloud computer connected to a x86 machine over a PCIe-based channel.
297 If two dispatchers want to communicate with the help of the multi-hop interconnect driver, they must acquire binding objects for each endpoint of the channel. In any binding attempt, one dispatcher must act as the client and the other as the service (however, once a binding is established, the communication process on both sides of the binding is indistinguishable). The binding phase is merged with channel set-up, i.e. a new multi-hop channel will be created during the binding process.
340 The flounder-generated stubs register a callback function with the multi-hop interconnect driver at channel set-up time in order to be notified when a message arrives. As we send a user-defined message within a single multi-hop message, we therefore also receive a user-defined message in one multi-hop message.
504 If the sender tries to send messages too quickly the queue can fill up.
536 \item Allocate some resources and queue the message up.
557 link34 will fill up before link13 or link23 does.
566 queue them up locally.
634 it may fill up the link between the monitors and impact the performance