CS6110 Term Project: Formal Verification of IDEA with HOL

Junxing Zhang

1. Project Proposal
Click here for the project proposal in PDF format.

2. Introduction

IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) is one kind of secret key cryptographic algorithm. It was published in 1991 by Xuejia Lai and James L. Massey of ETH Zuria. It's original name is IPES (Improved Proposed Encryption Standard). This algorithm encrypts a 64-bit block of plain text into a 64-bit block of cypher text using a 128-bit key. It has been studied by cryphtanalysts since its publication. So far, no weekness has been identified in publications.

3. Protocol Specification

We will specify IDEA in HOL-4 [Kananaskis 3] in this section, and provide the proof of its correctness in the next one. We could specify it in more general functional programming language such as SML (HOL is considered less general because it is built on top of SML). But if we use SML here, we will have to translate it into HOL later because the proof has to be done in HOL. Since the translation from HOL to SML is pretty straight-forward, to save us from writing duplicate definitions and save you from reading duplicate things, we will just use HOL here.

3.1 State And Keys

The state of a cryptographic algorithm is initialized with the input data (the plain text for the encryption or the cypher text for the decryption). It is then transformed by primitive operations in several rounds of the algorithm. The final result is the desired cypher text for encryption or plain text for decryption. Although the IDEA algorithm operates on 64-bit blocks, its primitive operations work with 16-bit quantities. Thus, the state is represented with four 16-bit words. The HOL library has a data type word16 that suits our need, so we define the state as a 4-tuple of word16 quatities.

    val _ = type_abbrev("Block", Type`:word16 # word16 # word16 # word16`);

The algorithm uses a 128-bit quatity as the input key, so we define it as a 8-tuple of word16. The input key is then expanded into 52 16-bit quatities. Each of these quatities are defined as word16 values. We use a list to hold these values, and thus needn't provide the container type. One special character of IDEA is that it distinguish between even rounds and odd rounds, and that different rounds use different types of keys. The even rounds use the key type that has four 16-bit values, while the odd rounds uses the type that has only two 16-bit values. As a result, we has the following different EvenKey and OddKey types. We also need two container types to hold all even-round keys and all odd-round keys. These types provide convenience to the round definitions such that each round can rotate keys within them and always use the first key inside. EvenKeySched holds 8 EvenKey, and OddKeySched holds 9 OddKey. These definitions are given below.

    val _ = type_abbrev("InputKey", Type`:word16 # word16 # word16 # word16 # word16 # word16 # word16 # word16`);
    val _ = type_abbrev("EvenKey", Type`:word16 # word16`);
    val _ = type_abbrev("OddKey", Type`:word16 # word16 # word16 # word16`);
    val _ = type_abbrev ("EvenKeySched", Type`:EvenKey#EvenKey#EvenKey#EvenKey#EvenKey#EvenKey#EvenKey#EvenKey`);
    val _ = type_abbrev ("OddKeySched", Type`:OddKey#OddKey#OddKey#OddKey#OddKey#OddKey#OddKey#OddKey#OddKey`);

We also need some instances of the above types. These instances are initialized with zeros and will be used in the round definitions.

    val ZeroEvenKey_def = Define `ZeroEvenKey = (0w,0w) : EvenKey`;
    val ZeroOddKey_def = Define `ZeroOddKey = (0w,0w,0w,0w) : OddKey`;
    val ZeroEvenKeys_def = Define `ZeroEvenKeys = (ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey,ZeroEvenKey) : EvenKeySched`;
    val ZeroOddKeys_def = Define `ZeroOddKeys = (ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey,ZeroOddKey) : OddKeySched`;

3.2 Primitive Operations

In DES, each Sbox maps a 6-bit value into a 4-bit value. In IDEA, however, each primitive operations maps two 16-bit values into one 16-bit value. IDEA has three primitive operations. They are bitwise exclusive or (xor), modulo addition, and modulo multiplication. The modulo addition is the addition under the mode of 2^16. It is the same as the addition provided in HOL word16Theory. The exclusive or is also the same as the one in this theory. Thus, we can use the two existent operations directly. On the other hand, the modulo multiplication used in IDEA is different from the one provided in word16Theory. The multiplication used in IDEA is under the mode of 2^16+1, but the one in word16Theory is under the mode of 2^16. Therefore, we cannot use the existent multiplication in HOL. The definition of the required modulo multiplication is very complicated, because although it works with 16-bit values its mode (2^16+1) cannot be represented as a 16-bit value. More importantly, this modulo multiplication ensures that every 16-bit value (0-65535) has the multiplicative inverse. To prove it, we need prove the Euclids' Algorithm, some clever encoding and decoding algorithm and some attributes related to the prime number 65537 (2^16+1, the mode). All of these details will be given in the section 5. For the sake of understanding the correctness of IDEA itself, we just need to know that there exists a multiplicative inverse operation, winv, that takes a 16-bit value and returns another 16-bit value that is its mulplicative inverse. And there exists a multiplication operation that produces 1 when multiplying a 16-bit value with its inverse, preserves the original value when multiplying a 16-bit value with 1, and has the associative property. These high level definitions are shown below.

    winv: word16 -> word16

    wmul_Theorem: !w:word16. w wmul (winv w) = 1

    wmul_Mul1: !w:word16. w wmul 1 = w

    wmul_Assoc: !x:word16 y:word16 z:word16. x wmul y wmul z = x wmul (y wmul z)

3.3 Key Expansion

The protocol expands one 128-bit input key into fifty-two 16-bit encryption keys. The expansion is done by chopping off eight 16-bit keys from the input key seven times, and each time starts with a different offset that is a multiple of 25. For the first time, you just start from the beginning (bit 0) and chop the input key until the end. For the second time, you offset the starting position by 25 bit, i.e. start the chopping from the bit 25, and wrapping around to the beginning when the end is reached. Next time, you offset another 25 bit from the previous starting position, and so on. Because you only need fifty-two encryption keys, you chop off four 16-bit keys for the last time. In other words, for the seventh time, you start from the bit 22 and finish at the bit 85. Because there is no "chopping" operation in HOL, we use the shifting and bitwise xor operations to simulate it. For example, the new KEY1 is the combination of the last 7 bits of the old KEY2 and the first 9 bits of the old KEY3, due to the effect of rotating the input key to the right for 25 bits from its previous state. To get this result, we left shift the old KEY2 for 9 bits, right shift the old KEY3 for 7 bits, and xor them together. Please note that we use the logical right shift (>>>) instead of the arithmetic right shift (>>) in order to make sure that the vacated high bits are filled with zeroes.

    val (MakeEnKeys_def,MakeEnKeys_ind) =
          `MakeEnKeys n (K8::K7::K6::K5::K4::K3::K2::K1::rst) =
          let (NK1, NK2, NK3, NK4, NK5, NK6, NK7, NK8) =
            ((K2<<9) # (K3>>>7), (K3<<9) # (K4>>>7),
            ((K4<<9) # (K5>>>7), (K5<<9) # (K6>>>7),
            (K6<<9) # (K7>>>7), (K7<<9) # (K8>>>7),
            (K8<<9) # (K1>>>7), (K1<<9) # (K2>>>7))
            if n = 0 then
              MakeEnKeys (n-1) (NK8::NK7::NK6::NK5::NK4::NK3::NK2::NK1
            WF_REL_TAC `measure (FST)`);

    val MakeKeys_def = Define
      `MakeKeys ((K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8):InputKey) =
        MakeEnKeys 6 [K8;K7;K6;K5;K4;K3;K2;K1]`;

After the key expansion, the expanded keys are grouped into the key schedule for the odd rounds and the key schedule for the even rounds. This is done with the following two operations. The first operation uses the first four keys in every six keys in the list to make odd-round keys. Because there are totally fifty-two keys in the list, four keys will be left after extracting keys in the group of six, these four keys are used to make the last odd-round key. The second operation uses the last two keys in every six keys in the list to make even-round keys.

    val ListToOddKeys_def =
        `(ListToOddKeys [] oddkeys = oddkeys) /\
        (ListToOddKeys ((k1::k2::k3::k4::k5::k6::t): word16 list)
          ((ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5,ok6,ok7,ok8,ok9): OddKeySched) =
        ListToOddKeys t ((k1,k2,k3,k4),ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5,ok6,ok7,ok8)) /\
    (ListToOddKeys ((k1::k2::k3::k4::t): word16 list)
        ((ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5,ok6,ok7,ok8,ok9): OddKeySched) =
    ListToOddKeys t ((k1,k2,k3,k4),ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5,ok6,ok7,ok8))`;

    val ListToEvenKeys_def =
        `(ListToEvenKeys [] evenkeys = evenkeys) /\
        (ListToEvenKeys ((k1::k2::k3::k4::k5::k6::t): word16 list)
            ((ek1,ek2,ek3,ek4,ek5,ek6,ek7,ek8): EvenKeySched) =
        ListToEvenKeys t ((k5,k6),ek1,ek2,ek3,ek4,ek5,ek6,ek7))`;

The decryption keys are made by inverse the encryption keys and (or) reverse the order these key are used. For the odd rounds, the encryption keys are inversed and then used in the reverse order. The first and forth keys of every odd-round key are the multiplicative inverses, and the second and third keys are the additive inverse. These definitions are shown in the InverseKey_def and InverseKeys_def below. For the even rounds, the decryption keys are made by simply reverse the order of the encryption keys as shown in ReverseKeys_def.

    val InverseKey_def = Define `InverseKey (k1,k2,k3,k4) = ((winv k1), ~k3, ~k2, (winv k4)) : OddKey`;

    val InverseKeys_def =
        `InverseKeys (ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5,ok6,ok7,ok8,ok9) =
          (InverseKey ok9,InverseKey ok8,InverseKey ok7,InverseKey ok6,
          InverseKey ok5,InverseKey ok4,InverseKey ok3,InverseKey ok2,
          InverseKey ok1) : OddKeySched`;

    val ReverseKeys_def =
        `ReverseKeys (ek1,ek2,ek3,ek4,ek5,ek6,ek7,ek8) =
          (ek8,ek7,ek6,ek5,ek4,ek3,ek2,ek1) : EvenKeySched`;

3.4 Rounds

IDEA has seventeen rounds. Among them, nine rounds are odd rounds and eight are even rounds (The round number starts from one). Even rounds and odd rounds are different because they are designed differently and they use different types of keys. The odd round is relatively simple. There are four 16-bit values in the odd-round key, and there are also four 16-bit values in the input block, so every pair of these 16-bit values are added or multiplied together to produce one 16-bit value in the output block. This is defined by OddRound_def. The even round is more complicated. It uses two mangler functions to generate two intermediate values, Yout and Zout, from the input key and block values. Then, these two intermediate values are xor'ed with the input block values to produce the output block values. In the original protocol specification [1] there is only one mangler function, which generates Yout and Zout in two steps. We define two steps in the original mangler function as two separate functions to simplify the verification. First, the transformation of the first two 16-bit values in the input block is only affected by the first mangler step, so separating two steps is good for verify this transformation. Second, the second mangler step takes the output of the first step as one of its input, so separating two steps modualized operations, i.e. we can prove certain properties of the first step and use these properties in the verification of the second step. The two managler functions and how they are used in the even round is given in the specifications below:

    val OddRound_def = Define
      `OddRound ((Ka, Kb, Kc, Kd):OddKey) ((Xa, Xb, Xc, Xd):Block) =
        (Xa wmul Ka, Xc + Kc, Xb + Kb,Xd wmul Kd ):Block`;

    val Mangler1_def = Define `Mangler1 ((Yin:word16), (Zin:word16), (Ke:word16), (Kf:word16)) = ((Ke * Yin) + Zin) * Kf`;

    val Mangler2_def = Define `Mangler2 ((Yin:word16), (Ke:word16), (Yout:word16)) = (Ke * Yin) + Yout`;

    val EvenRound_def = Define

      `EvenRound ((Ke, Kf):EvenKey) ((Xa, Xb, Xc, Xd):Block) =
        let Yout = Mangler1 ((Xa # Xb), (Xc # Xd), Ke, Kf) in
          let Zout = Mangler2 ((Xa # Xb), Ke, Yout) in
            (Xa # Yout, Xb # Yout, Xc # Zout, Xd # Zout):Block`;

The seventeen rounds are executed by calling the Round definition below with 17 as the round number value (the input parameter n). The Round function then recursively calls itself with decreased round number n, new key from the rotated key schedule, and transformed state. It calls EvenRound or OddRound function based on the round number. The rotation of the key schedule is done by RotateOddKeys and RotateEvenKeys

    val RotateOddKeys_def =
        `RotateOddKeys (k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9) =
          (k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,k1) : OddKeySched`;

    val RotateEvenKeys_def =
        `RotateEvenKeys (k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8) =
          (k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k1) : EvenKeySched`;

    val (Round_def,Round_ind) =
          `Round n (oddkeys: OddKeySched) (evenkeys: EvenKeySched) (state:Block) =
          if (n = 0) then
            if (EVEN n) then
              Round (n-1) oddkeys (RotateEvenKeys evenkeys) (EvenRound (FST evenkeys) state)
              Round (n-1) (RotateOddKeys oddkeys) evenkeys (OddRound (FST oddkeys) state)`,
        WF_REL_TAC `measure (FST)`);

3.5 Encryption and Decryption

One amazing feature of IDEA is that it can perform either encryption or decryption without requiring any change to the primitive operations, rounds or the orders in which they are carried out. In othere words, for the software implementation of IDEA, we can use the same code to perform either operation. Which operation is performed depends on which key is used. If we use the encryption key, the code will encrypt the input block; if we use the decryption key, it will decrypt the input block. In the following specifications, IdeaFwd is defined to run seventeen rounds without distinguishing encryption from decryption. Then, the encryption is defined by passing the expanded encryption key to IdeaFwd, and the decryption is defined by passing the decryption key to it.

    val IdeaFwd_def = Define `IdeaFwd oddkeys evenkeys= Round 17 oddkeys evenkeys`;

    val IDEA_def = Define `IDEA key =
      let oddkeys = ListToOddKeys (MakeKeys key) ZeroOddKeys in
      let evenkeys = ListToEvenKeys (MakeKeys key) ZeroEvenKeys in
        (IdeaFwd oddkeys evenkeys, IdeaFwd (InverseKeys oddkeys) (ReverseKeys evenkeys))`;

4. Protocol Verification
4.1 Handle Aggregation Types

We defined many types that are aggregations of 16-bit values, so we need theorems to dissolve them into word16 (the type we use for 16-bit values). The theorem FORALL_ODDKEYSCHED is proved to dissolve the odd key schedule into odd keys, and the theorem FORALL_ODDKEY is proved to further dissove an odd key into four word16 values. We also defined the similar theorems for the even key schedule, even key and block.

    val FORALL_ODDKEYSCHED = Q.prove
      (`(!x:OddKeySched. Q x) = !k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k8 k9.
        EQ_TAC THEN RW_TAC std_ss [] THEN
        `?a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9.
          x = (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9)`

    val FORALL_ODDKEY = Q.prove
      (`(!x:OddKey. Q x) = !kw1 kw2 kw3 kw4.
        EQ_TAC THEN RW_TAC std_ss [] THEN
        `?a1 a2 a3 a4.
          x = (a1,a2,a3,a4)`

4.2 Odd Round

For odd rounds, the most important proof is to show that the addition or multiplication with inverses cancells the effect of the previous addition or multiplication with original values. For the addition, this proof is given by OddRound_Lemma1 below. For the multiplication, it is given by wmul_Theorem, wmul_ASSOC and wmul_Mul1 in the section 5. As defined in the section 3.2, wmul_Theorem proves that the mulitiplication of one 16-bit value with its inverse equals to one; wmul_ASSOC proves that the modulo muliplication (wmul) has the associative attribute, and thus the 16-bit value can be multiplied with its inverse before it is multiplied with the input value; wmul_Mul1 proves that the input value doesn't change when multiplied with one.

    val OddRound_Lemma1 = Q.store_thm
        `!w1:word16 w2:word16. w1 + w2 + ~w2 = w1`,
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [WORD_ADD_COMM] THEN

    val OddRound_Inversion = Q.store_thm
        `!s:Block k:OddKey. OddRound (InverseKey k) (OddRound k s) = s`,
        ARW [InverseKey_def, OddRound_def] THEN
        ARW [wmul_ASSOC, wmul_Theorem, wmul_Mul1, OddRound_Lemma1]);

4.3 Even Round

For even rounds, we need work with the mangler functions first. Mangler1_Lemma1 and Mangler2_Lemma1 prove that if two 16-bit values are multiplied with the same mangler function individually and then multiplied together the result equals to multiplying them directly. Mangler1_Lemma2 and Mangler2_Lemma2 show that the effect of multiplying a mangler function can be cancelled by multiplying the same function again. With the assistance of these lemmas, we can prove that the effect of a even round operation can be inversed by simply run the same operation with the same key again. What a magic!

    val Mangler1_Lemma1 = Q.store_thm
        `!w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6. w5 # Mangler1 (w1, w2, w3, w4) # (w6 # Mangler1 (w1, w2, w3, w4)) = w5 # w6`,
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [WORD_EOR_COMM] THEN

    val Mangler2_Lemma1 = Q.store_thm
        `!w1 w2 w3 w4 w5. w4 # Mangler2 (w1, w2, w3) # (w5 # Mangler2 (w1, w2, w3)) = w4 # w5`,
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [WORD_EOR_COMM] THEN

    val Mangler1_Lemma2 = Q.store_thm
        `!w1 w2 w3 w4 w5. w5 # Mangler1 (w1, w2, w3, w4) # Mangler1 (w1, w2, w3, w4) = w5`,
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [WORD_EOR_COMM] THEN

    val Mangler2_Lemma2 = Q.store_thm
        `!w1 w2 w3 w4. w4 # Mangler2 (w1, w2, w3) # Mangler2 (w1, w2, w3) = w4`,
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [WORD_EOR_COMM] THEN

    val EvenRound_Inversion = Q.store_thm
        `!s:Block k:EvenKey. EvenRound k (EvenRound k s) = s`,
        RESTR_EVAL_TAC [Mangler1, Mangler2] THEN
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [Mangler1_Lemma1, Mangler1_Lemma2, Mangler2_Lemma1, Mangler2_Lemma2]);

4.4 Correctness

Since we have shown that both even rounds and odd rounds are inversable, it is easy to prove the whole seventeen rounds are inversable as shown in IDEA_LEMMA below. To prove the correctness of the encryption and decryption, we simply apply the definition of the ecryption and decryption to the goal, and then apply the lemma we just proved.

    val IDEA_LEMMA = Q.store_thm
      `!plaintext:Block oddkeys:OddKeySched evenkeys:EvenKeySched.
        IdeaFwd (InverseKeys oddkeys) (ReverseKeys evenkeys) (IdeaFwd oddkeys evenkeys plaintext) = plaintext`,
        RESTR_EVAL_TAC [OddRound, EvenRound] THEN
        SIMP_TAC std_ss [OddRound_Inversion, EvenRound_Inversion]);

    val IDEA_CORRECT = Q.store_thm
      `!key plaintext.
        ((encrypt,decrypt) = IDEA key)
        (decrypt (encrypt plaintext) = plaintext)`,
        RW_TAC std_ss [IDEA_def,LET_THM,IDEA_LEMMA]);

5. Euclid's Algorithm and Inversable Modulo Multiplication
Click here for the specification and proof in PDF format.

6. Conclusions

I have completed all the tasks planned in the project proposal. In fact, I accomplished more than I planned. In the project planning phase, I didn't realize that I need specify and prove the inversable modulo multiplication, which further leads to the verification of Euclid's algorithm. This project turned out to be fun and fruitful!