# # Copyright 2017, Data61 # Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) # ABN 41 687 119 230. # # This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of # the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. # See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. # # @TAG(DATA61_BSD) # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2) project(libsel4test C) set(configure_string "") config_string( LibSel4TestPrinterRegex TESTPRINTER_REGEX "A POSIX regex pattern that is used to filter the tests to run" DEFAULT ".*" ) config_option( LibSel4TestPrinterHaltOnTestFailure TESTPRINTER_HALT_ON_TEST_FAILURE "Halt on the first test failure \ Default behaviour is to try and run the test suite, regardless of any failures. \ Turning this on will stop the test suite on the first error" DEFAULT OFF ) config_option(LibSel4TestPrintXML PRINT_XML "Print XML output. This will \ buffer the test output and print in blocks so that bamboo \ can parse the test logs properly. Turn this off for debugging your test suite" DEFAULT OFF) mark_as_advanced(LibSel4TestPrinterRegex LibSel4TestPrinterHaltOnTestFailure LibSel4TestPrintXML) add_config_library(sel4test "${configure_string}") file(GLOB deps src/*.c) list(SORT deps) add_library(sel4test STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${deps}) target_include_directories(sel4test PUBLIC include) target_link_libraries( sel4test muslc sel4 utils sel4vka sel4vspace sel4platsupport sel4rpc sel4sync sel4simple sel4utils sel4_autoconf sel4test_Config )