DHCP Manager Help



Servers and Relays
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BOOTP Services




How To..





Modifying Service Options
on a BOOTP Relay Agent

After the initial configuration, choose Modify from the Service menu to customize additional settings for the BOOTP Relay Agent.

The Modify Service Options dialog lets you configure the following options.

Verbose Log Messages The DHCP daemon writes messages to the syslogd facility.

In verbose mode, the DHCP daemon displays more messages than in non-verbose mode. This can reduce efficiency due to the time taken to write and display the messages, so it should be reserved for troubleshooting. The default is for non-verbose mode.

Maximum Relay Agent Hops Specify the maximum number of times the request can be relayed to another server before the receiving BOOTP relay agent drops the request. The default is 4.
DHCP Servers Enter the host names or IP addresses of the DHCP servers to which this BOOTP relay agent will forward requests. Use this option to add to the list of servers that were configured during initial configuration. You can also use this option to delete configured servers.

Interfaces Click the Interfaces tab to choose the network interfaces the DHCP server will monitor.

The interfaces are listed by device name and IP network address. Use the arrow keys to remove or restore a network interface to the list of monitored interfaces.

The default is to allow the server to monitor all network interfaces.