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Create Macro

The Create Macro dialog box lets you to define a new macro in the dhcptab on the selected DHCP server.

See Using Macros and Options for more information about defining DHCP macros.

The settings available in the Create Macro dialog box are described below.

Name Specify the name of the new macro. Remember, the name you choose determines the macro category. Macro names can be a maximum of 128 alphanumeric characters.

The important thing to remember when naming your macro is to give it the same name as the resource or device in the category you want to control. For example, to create a Client Class macro for configuring an Ultra-5TM (which has the client class name SUNW,Ultra5_10), name your macro SUNW.Ultra5_10.

Option Specify the names of options and/or macros to include in the macro. The options or macros must already exist in the dhcptab. If the option does not exist, you can create it using the Create Option dialog box. To browse a list of defined options, right-click in the Options column. Options are displayed by category and type. To view the list of standard options, see Standard Options.

To include a nested macro, enter Include in the Option column and then enter the name of the macro in the Value column.

To specify an option, enter the name of the option in the Option column, and the value of the option in the Value column.

Move Up/Move Down Click Move Up or Move Down to change the processing order of options and nested macros. The processing order is significant, as options and macros processed last supersede conflicting values in those that are processed first.
Delete Select an option and click Delete to remove it from the macro.

Notify DHCP Server of Change: Check the box if you want the DHCP server to reload the dhcptab after the changed macro information is written. Normally, you will want the server to reload the dhcptab so that clients will start receiving the new configuration data immediately. However, in some cases, you may wish to delay this reload. For example, you may need to modify several macros in order for configurations to be correct.

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