.\" Copyright (c) 2008 Szabolcs Szakacsits. .\" This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License. .\" .TH NTFS-3G.PROBE 8 "February 2008" "ntfs-3g.probe @VERSION@" .SH NAME ntfs-3g.probe \- Probe an NTFS volume mountability .SH SYNOPSIS .B ntfs-3g.probe .I <\-\-readonly|\-\-readwrite> .I volume .br .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBntfs-3g.probe\fR utility tests a volume if it's NTFS mountable read-only or read-write, and exits with a status value accordingly. The \fIvolume\fR can be a block device or image file. .SH OPTIONS Below is a summary of the options that \fBntfs-3g.probe\fR accepts. .TP .B \-r, \-\-readonly Test if the volume can be mounted read-only. .TP .B \-w, \-\-readwrite Test if the volume can be mounted read-write. .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Display help and exit. .SH EXAMPLE Test if /dev/sda1 can be mounted read-write: .RS .sp .B ntfs-3g.probe --readwrite /dev/sda1 .sp .RE .SH EXIT CODES The exit codes are as follows: .IP 0 Volume is mountable. .IP 11 Syntax error, command line parsing failed. .IP 12 The volume doesn't have a valid NTFS. .IP 13 Inconsistent NTFS, hardware or device driver fault, or unsetup SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. .IP 14 The NTFS partition is hibernated. Use the 'remove_hiberfile' .B ntfs-3g mount option to be able to read-write mount such volumes. .IP 15 The volume was not cleanly unmounted. The 'force' .B ntfs-3g mount option can overcome this scenario by resetting the NTFS journal file. .IP 16 The volume is already exclusively opened and in use by a kernel driver or software. .IP 17 SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware without setup, or missing, or powered down device. .IP 18 Unknown reason. .IP 19 Not enough privilege to mount. .IP 20 Out of memory. .IP 21 Unclassified FUSE error. .IP 22 Security hazard. Execution is denied because it would be exploitable. .SH KNOWN ISSUES Please see .RS .sp http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html .sp .RE for common questions and known issues. If you think you have found an undocumented problem in the latest release of the software then please send an email describing it in detail. You can contact the development team on the ntfs\-3g\-devel@lists.sf.net address. .SH AUTHORS .B ntfs-3g.probe was written by Szabolcs Szakacsits (szaka@ntfs-3g.org). .SH THANKS Alon Bar-Lev has integrated the utility into the NTFS-3G build process and tested it with Erik Larsson before the public release. .SH SEE ALSO .BR ntfs-3g (8)