# FIXME: As we plan to execute llvm-symbolizer binary from compiler-rt # libraries, it has to be compiled for all supported targets (x86_64, i386 etc). # This means that we need LLVM libraries to be compiled for these # targets as well. Currently, there is no support for such a build strategy. set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS Opts.td) tablegen(LLVM Opts.inc -gen-opt-parser-defs) add_public_tablegen_target(SymbolizerOptsTableGen) set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS DebugInfoDWARF DebugInfoPDB Demangle Object Option Support Symbolize ) add_llvm_tool(llvm-symbolizer llvm-symbolizer.cpp DEPENDS SymbolizerOptsTableGen ) target_link_libraries(llvm-symbolizer PRIVATE LLVMDebuginfod) add_llvm_tool_symlink(llvm-addr2line llvm-symbolizer) if(LLVM_INSTALL_BINUTILS_SYMLINKS) add_llvm_tool_symlink(addr2line llvm-symbolizer) endif()