2011 Feb 28 15:09:00: [ERROR]: 240--379 2011 Feb 28 15:09:00: [INFO]: start main from the USBModem 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [ERROR]: PublicConfig.notSimAndTelFlag:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: checkDialStatusBeforeStartup, shell : 0 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: currentSystem is=Linux 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: hasDevicefile =falsef.exists =false 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: load method linuxCommServer() 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: CommServerThread.hasDevicefile = false 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: after list the at port has DriveEvulsionSearch.atPortCount : 0 ] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: all the at port is open : false ] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: commServers.servers.size() = 0 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: ------------------------- Device init ------------------------------------------- 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [ERROR]: PublicConfig.notSimAndTelFlag:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: The path of delete file: /home/qiaoyongkang/java_prj/PhonePad/configure/data/CallNotice.xml 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: ---ParameterConfigServer.simCuexpath==configure/data/SmsCue.xml 2011 Feb 28 15:09:01: [INFO]: ---comm==com.longcheer.phonepad.common.util.XMLTool@12fcdf5 2011 Feb 28 15:09:02: [INFO]: ------------------------------getFileByte(file)=420 2011 Feb 28 15:09:02: [ERROR]: -------------------netConnList---------------------[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:02: [INFO]: start the method getOrderByChannelBean from NetworkTypeChoice 2011 Feb 28 15:09:02: [INFO]: end the method getOrderByChannelBean from NetworkTypeChoice 2011 Feb 28 15:09:02: [INFO]: the search net table has select : [-1] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:02: [INFO]: The path of delete file: /home/qiaoyongkang/java_prj/PhonePad/configure/data/SmsCue.xml 2011 Feb 28 15:09:03: [INFO]: In the AppFrame.java ,in the init ui,the connect flag is :[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:03: [INFO]: In the AppFrame.java ,after UI,the connect flag is :[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:03: [INFO]: NetworkThread thread is start 2011 Feb 28 15:09:03: [INFO]: NetworkThread===null == MutiDeviceService.curServer==wait=======this is 1 circle================ 2011 Feb 28 15:09:05: [INFO]: settings_actionPerformed come in time:1298876945415 2011 Feb 28 15:09:07: [INFO]: NetworkThread===null == MutiDeviceService.curServer==wait=======this is 1 circle================ 2011 Feb 28 15:09:10: [ERROR]: get telnum from daildata.xml failed: 2011 Feb 28 15:09:10: [ERROR]: get authtype from daildata.xml failed: 2011 Feb 28 15:09:10: [INFO]: the predefined apn is :NetworkName : [fr orange f]ReadOnly status : [false]APN status : [false]APN Content : [orange]Phone Number : []Username : [orange]Password : [orange]IP status : [false]IP address : []identity status : [false]DNS status : [false]preferred DNS : []standby DNS : []WINS status : [false]preferred WINS : []standby WINS : []IMSI : []is default : [false] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:10: [ERROR]: -------------------netConnList---------------------[NetworkName : [fr orange f]ReadOnly status : [false]APN status : [false]APN Content : [orange]Phone Number : []Username : [orange]Password : [orange]IP status : [true]IP address : []identity status : [false]DNS status : [true]preferred DNS : []standby DNS : []WINS status : [true]preferred WINS : []standby WINS : []IMSI : []is default : [false]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:10: [INFO]: the search net table has select :[0] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:10: [INFO]: the search net table has select :[0] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:11: [INFO]: end main from the USBModem 2011 Feb 28 15:09:11: [INFO]: LinuxCommServer Finished ! 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [INFO]: NetworkThread===null == MutiDeviceService.curServer==wait=======this is 1 circle================ 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [INFO]: delete apn :NetworkName : [fr orange f]ReadOnly status : [false]APN status : [false]APN Content : [orange]Phone Number : []Username : [orange]Password : [orange]IP status : [true]IP address : []identity status : [false]DNS status : [true]preferred DNS : []standby DNS : []WINS status : [true]preferred WINS : []standby WINS : []IMSI : []is default : [false] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [INFO]: the search net table has select :[-1] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [INFO]: the search net table has select :[-1] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [INFO]: the search net table has select :[-1] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [INFO]: the search net table has select :[-1] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:12: [ERROR]: -------------------netConnList---------------------[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:14: [INFO]: phoneManage_actionPerformed come in time:1298876954184 2011 Feb 28 15:09:14: [INFO]: freshLocalTree come in time: 1298876954253 2011 Feb 28 15:09:14: [INFO]: getDefaultTreeModel time:1298876954264 2011 Feb 28 15:09:14: [INFO]: setMoblileMaxId time:1298876954279 2011 Feb 28 15:09:14: [INFO]: freshLocalTree come out time: 1298876954290 2011 Feb 28 15:09:14: [ERROR]: setpbTableColumn rowContent:[{officeTel=, group=, mailbox=, remarks=, homeTel=, locType=pc, mobileTel=24324234, name=31312314, id=2145}, {officeTel=, group=, mailbox=, remarks=, homeTel=, locType=pc, mobileTel=31221321312, name=qeqdwe, id=2144}] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ====Tools======readSMSList===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==1==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==2==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ====Tools======readSMSList===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==1==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==2==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: setTableColumn rowContent:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ====Tools======readSMSList===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==1==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==2==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: setTableColumn rowContent:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: setTableColumn rowContent:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555==== 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555==== 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555==== 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555==== 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ====Tools======readSMSList===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==1==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==2==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: setTableColumn rowContent:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ====Tools======readSMSList===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==1==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: ==2==Tools===sort===sumRowContent===========:[[]] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: -----------------SmsTreeSelectionListener----------------- 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: setTableColumn rowContent:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555==== 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555==== 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====PC 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Inbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Outbox 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Draft 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Favorite 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Reports 2011 Feb 28 15:09:15: [ERROR]: 44404Local1=====555====Dustbin 2011 Feb 28 15:09:16: [INFO]: stk_actionPerformed come in time:1298876956544 2011 Feb 28 15:09:16: [INFO]: NetworkThread===null == MutiDeviceService.curServer==wait=======this is 1 circle================ 2011 Feb 28 15:09:17: [INFO]: java.lang.NullPointerException 2011 Feb 28 15:09:19: [INFO]: close the application,the PublicConfig.isDSFLOWRPT:[] 2011 Feb 28 15:09:19: [INFO]: close the application,the TimerCall.statusCall:[2]