pb_assoc - Policy Based Associative Containers

Ami Tavory and Vladimir Dreizin, IBM Haifa Research Laboratories, and Benjamin Kosnik, Red Hat

The pb_assoc library is a library of policy-based associative containers, designed for high-performance, flexibility, and semantic safety.

The documentation is organized as follows.

  1. The Introduction Section describes the problems which this library tries to address.
  2. The Motivation Section describes and motivates the main differences between this library and the STL's associative containers.
  3. The Design Section describes the design.
    1. Overview describes an overview.
    2. Data-Structure Genericity discusses generic manipulation of containers based on different underlying data-structures.
    3. Mapping-Semantic Genericity discusses generic manipulation of containers with different mapping semantics.
    4. Hash-Based Containers describes the design and policies of hash-based containers.
    5. Tree-Based Containers describes the design and policies of tree-based containers.
    6. List-Based Containers describes the design and policies of list-based containers with update policies.
  4. The Interface Section provides links to the interfaces of the classes.
  5. The Examples Section shows examples of using and extending the library.