{QTText}{font:Tekton}{plain}{size:18}{textColor: 0, 0, 0}{backColor: 65535, 65535, 0}{justify: center}{timeScale: 600}{width: 240}{height: 40}{shrinkTextBox:on} [00:00:00.000] {textBox: 10, 0, 30, 240}We forgot to seed! [00:00:01.000] {textBox: 10, 0, 30, 240}We forgot to what? [00:00:02.000] {textBox: 10, 10, 30, 240}Yes and No [00:00:03.000] {textBox: 10, 30, 30, 240}Yes and No [00:00:04.000] {textBox: 10, 50, 30, 240}Yes and No [00:00:05.000] {textBox: 10, 70, 30, 240}Yes and No [00:00:06.000] {textBox: 10, 90, 30, 240}Yes and No [00:00:07.000] {textBox: 10, 110, 30, 240}Yes and No [00:00:08.000]