class c4_ViewProp : public c4_Property

View properties.

Public members
c4_ViewProp (const char* name_);
Construct a new property
c4_ViewRef operator() (const c4_RowRef& row_) const;
Get or set a view property in a row
c4_View Get (const c4_RowRef& row_) const;
Get a view property in a row
void Set (const c4_RowRef& row_, const c4_View& value_) const;
Set a view property in a row
c4_Row operator[] (const c4_View& value_) const;
Create a row with one view, shorthand for AsRow
c4_Row AsRow (const c4_View& value_) const;
Create a row with one view

Header file "mk4.h"   --   Dec 9, 1999
Derived from c4_Property