class c4_Row : public c4_RowRef

An entry in a collection with copy semantics.

Public members
c4_Row ();
Construct a row with no properties
c4_Row (const c4_RowRef& row_);
Construct a row from another oneConstruct a row copy from a row reference
c4_Row (const c4_RowRef& row_);
Construct a row from another oneConstruct a row copy from a row reference
~c4_Row ();
c4_Row& operator= (const c4_RowRef& row_);
Assign a copy of another row to this oneCopy another row to this one
c4_Row& operator= (const c4_RowRef& row_);
Assign a copy of another row to this oneCopy another row to this one
void ConcatRow (const c4_RowRef& row_);
Add all properties and values into this row
friend c4_Row operator+ (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
Return a new row which is the concatenation of two others

Header file "mk4.h"   --   Dec 9, 1999
See also c4_Row
Derived from c4_RowRef