class c4_Reference

A reference is used to get or set typed data, using derived classes.

Public members
c4_Reference (const c4_RowRef&, const c4_Property&);
c4_Reference& operator= (const c4_Reference&);
Assignment of one data item
int GetSize () const;
Return width of the referenced data item
bool GetData (c4_Bytes&) const;
Retrieve the value of the referenced data item
void SetData (const c4_Bytes&) const;
Store a value into the referenced data item
Protected members
c4_Cursor _cursor;
const c4_Property& _property;
friend bool operator== (const c4_Reference&, const c4_Reference&);
Return true if the contents of both references is equal
friend bool operator!= (const c4_Reference&, const c4_Reference&);
Return true if the contents of both references is not equal

Header file "mk4.h"   --   Dec 9, 1999
See also c4_BytesRef, c4_DoubleRef, c4_FloatRef, c4_IntRef, c4_MemoRef, c4_StringRef, c4_ViewRef