class c4_Cursor

An iterator for collections of rows (views).

Public members
c4_Cursor (c4_Sequence& implementation_, int index_);
Construct a new cursor
c4_RowRef operator* () const;
Dereference this cursor to "almost" a row
c4_RowRef operator[] (int index_) const;
This is the same as *(cursor + offset)
c4_Cursor& operator++ ();
Pre-increment the cursor
c4_Cursor operator++ (int);
Post-increment the cursor
c4_Cursor& operator-- ();
Pre-decrement the cursor
c4_Cursor operator-- (int);
Post-decrement the cursor
c4_Cursor& operator+= (int offset_);
Advance by a given offset
c4_Cursor& operator-= (int offset_);
Back up by a given offset
c4_Cursor operator- (int) const;
Subtract a specified offset
int operator- (c4_Cursor cursor_) const;
Return the distance between two cursors
friend c4_Cursor operator+ (c4_Cursor cursor_, int offset_);
Add specified offset
friend c4_Cursor operator+ (int offset_, c4_Cursor cursor_);
Add specified offset to cursor
friend bool operator== (c4_Cursor a_, c4_Cursor b_);
Return true if both cursors are equal
friend bool operator!= (c4_Cursor a_, c4_Cursor b_);
Return true if both cursors are not equal
friend bool operator< (c4_Cursor a_, c4_Cursor b_);
True if first cursor is less than second cursor
friend bool operator> (c4_Cursor a_, c4_Cursor b_);
True if first cursor is greater than second cursor
friend bool operator<= (c4_Cursor a_, c4_Cursor b_);
True if first cursor is less or equal to second cursor
friend bool operator>= (c4_Cursor a_, c4_Cursor b_);
True if first cursor is greater or equal to second cursor
friend bool operator== (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
Return true if the contents of both rows are equal
friend bool operator!= (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
Return true if the contents of both rows are not equal
friend bool operator< (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
True if first row is less than second row
friend bool operator> (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
True if first row is greater than second row
friend bool operator<= (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
True if first row is less or equal to second row
friend bool operator>= (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_);
True if first row is greater or equal to second row
friend class c4_MemoRef;
friend class c4_Reference;
friend class c4_Row;
friend class c4_RowRef;
friend class c4_View;
friend class c4_Sequence;
friend class c4_FilterSeq;
friend class c4_SortSeq;

Header file "mk4.h"   --   Dec 9, 1999