class c4_BytesRef - Used to get or set binary object values.
operator c4_Bytes () const;
Get the value as binary object

c4_BytesRef (const c4_Reference&);

c4_BytesRef& operator= (const c4_Bytes&);
Set the value to the specified binary object

bool c4_Reference::GetData (c4_Bytes&) const;
Retrieve the value of the referenced data item

int c4_Reference::GetSize () const;
Return width of the referenced data item

void c4_Reference::SetData (const c4_Bytes&) const;
Store a value into the referenced data item

c4_Cursor c4_Reference::_cursor;

const c4_Property& c4_Reference::_property;

c4_Reference& c4_Reference::operator= (const c4_Reference&);
Assignment of one data item

class c4_BytesRef