//===-- README.txt - Notes for WebAssembly code gen -----------------------===// This WebAssembly backend is presently under development. The most notable feature which is not yet stable is the ".o" file format. ".o" file support is needed for many common ways of using LLVM, such as using it through "clang -c", so this backend is not yet considered widely usable. However, this backend is usable within some language toolchain packages: Emscripten provides a C/C++ compilation environment that includes standard libraries, tools, and packaging for producing WebAssembly applications that can run in browsers and other environments. For more information, see the Emscripten documentation in general, and this page in particular: * https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wiki/New-WebAssembly-Backend Rust provides WebAssembly support integrated into Cargo. There are two main options: - wasm32-unknown-unknown, which provides a relatively minimal environment that has an emphasis on being "native" - wasm32-unknown-emscripten, which uses Emscripten internally and provides standard C/C++ libraries, filesystem emulation, GL and SDL bindings For more information, see: * https://www.hellorust.com/ This backend does not yet support debug info. Full DWARF support needs a design for how DWARF should be represented in WebAssembly. Sourcemap support has an existing design and some corresponding browser implementations, so it just needs implementing in LLVM. Work-in-progress documentation for the ".o" file format is here: * https://github.com/WebAssembly/tool-conventions/blob/master/Linking.md A corresponding linker implementation is also under development: * https://lld.llvm.org/WebAssembly.html For more information on WebAssembly itself, see the home page: * https://webassembly.github.io/ The following documents contain some information on the semantics and binary encoding of WebAssembly itself: * https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/Semantics.md * https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/BinaryEncoding.md The backend is built, tested and archived on the following waterfall: https://wasm-stat.us The backend's bringup is done in part by using the GCC torture test suite, since it doesn't require C library support. Current known failures are in known_gcc_test_failures.txt, all other tests should pass. The waterfall will turn red if not. Once most of these pass, further testing will use LLVM's own test suite. The tests can be run locally using: https://github.com/WebAssembly/waterfall/blob/master/src/compile_torture_tests.py Some notes on ways that the generated code could be improved follow: //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===// Br, br_if, and br_table instructions can support having a value on the value stack across the jump (sometimes). We should (a) model this, and (b) extend the stackifier to utilize it. //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===// The min/max instructions aren't exactly a