# # $FreeBSD: stable/10/etc/ntp.conf 295461 2016-02-10 07:16:17Z cy $ # # Default NTP servers for the FreeBSD operating system. # # Don't forget to enable ntpd in /etc/rc.conf with: # ntpd_enable="YES" # # The driftfile is by default /var/db/ntpd.drift, check # /etc/defaults/rc.conf on how to change the location. # # # The following three servers will give you a random set of three # NTP servers geographically close to you. # See http://www.pool.ntp.org/ for details. Note, the pool encourages # users with a static IP and good upstream NTP servers to add a server # to the pool. See http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html if you are interested. # # The option `iburst' is used for faster initial synchronization. # server 0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst server 1.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst server 2.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst #server 3.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst # # If you want to pick yourself which country's public NTP server # you want sync against, comment out the above servers, uncomment # the next ones and replace CC with the country's abbreviation. # Make sure that the hostnames resolve to a proper IP address! # # server 0.CC.pool.ntp.org iburst # server 1.CC.pool.ntp.org iburst # server 2.CC.pool.ntp.org iburst # # Security: # # By default, only allow time queries and block all other requests # from unauthenticated clients. # # See http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/AccessRestrictions # for more information. # restrict default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery restrict -6 default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery # # Alternatively, the following rules would block all unauthorized access. # #restrict default ignore #restrict -6 default ignore # # In this case, all remote NTP time servers also need to be explicitly # allowed or they would not be able to exchange time information with # this server. # # Please note that this example doesn't work for the servers in # the pool.ntp.org domain since they return multiple A records. # #restrict 0.pool.ntp.org nomodify nopeer noquery notrap #restrict 1.pool.ntp.org nomodify nopeer noquery notrap #restrict 2.pool.ntp.org nomodify nopeer noquery notrap # # The following settings allow unrestricted access from the localhost restrict restrict -6 ::1 restrict # # If a server loses sync with all upstream servers, NTP clients # no longer follow that server. The local clock can be configured # to provide a time source when this happens, but it should usually # be configured on just one server on a network. For more details see # http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/UndisciplinedLocalClock # The use of Orphan Mode may be preferable. # #server #fudge stratum 10 # See http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/ConfiguringNTP#Section_6.14. # for documentation regarding leapfile. Updates to the file can be obtained # from ftp://time.nist.gov/pub/ or ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/ntp/. # Use either leapfile in /etc/ntp or weekly updated leapfile in /var/db. #leapfile "/etc/ntp/leap-seconds" leapfile "/var/db/ntpd.leap-seconds.list"