neon API reference

Table of Contents

neon — HTTP and WebDAV client library
neon-config — script providing information about installed copy of neon library
ne_addr_resolve — functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
ne_buffer — string buffer handling
ne_buffer_append — append data to a string buffer
ne_buffer_clear — clear, grow, or mark as altered a string buffer
ne_buffer_create — create a string buffer
ne_buffer_destroy — destroy a buffer object
ne_get_error — error handling for HTTP sessions
ne_get_status — retrieve HTTP response status for request
ne_has_support — determine feature support status
ne_i18n_init — functions to initialize internationalization support
ne_iaddr_make — functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_malloc — memory allocation wrappers
ne_session_create — set up HTTP sessions
ne_set_session_flag — set and retrieve session flags
ne_request_create — low-level HTTP request handling
ne_add_request_header — add headers to a request
ne_get_response_header — functions to access response headers
ne_set_useragent — common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_set_request_flag — set and retrieve per-request flags
ne_set_request_body_buffer — include a message body with a request
ne_set_server_auth — register authentication callbacks
ne_shave — trim whitespace from a string
ne_sock_init — perform library initialization
ne_ssl_cert_identity — functions to access certificate properties
ne_ssl_cert_cmp — functions to operate on certificate objects
ne_ssl_cert_read — functions to read or write certificates to and from files or strings
ne_ssl_dname — SSL distinguished name handling
ne_ssl_trust_cert — functions to indicate that certificates are trusted
ne_ssl_set_verify — register an SSL certificate verification callback
ne_ssl_client_cert — SSL client certificate handling
ne_status — HTTP status structure
ne_token — string tokenizers
ne_version_match — library versioning
ne_xml_create — create and destroy an XML parser