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callback.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This module defines the structures for describing I/O callbacks to the other FLAC interfaces.

See the detailed documentation for callbacks in the callbacks module.

#include "ordinals.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef void * FLAC__IOHandle
typedef size_t(* FLAC__IOCallback_Read )(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FLAC__IOHandle handle)
typedef size_t(* FLAC__IOCallback_Write )(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FLAC__IOHandle handle)
typedef int(* FLAC__IOCallback_Seek )(FLAC__IOHandle handle, FLAC__int64 offset, int whence)
typedef FLAC__int64(* FLAC__IOCallback_Tell )(FLAC__IOHandle handle)
typedef int(* FLAC__IOCallback_Eof )(FLAC__IOHandle handle)
typedef int(* FLAC__IOCallback_Close )(FLAC__IOHandle handle)