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6.1 wmemchr—find a wide character in memory


     #include <wchar.h>
     wchar_t	*wmemchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c, size_t n);

The wmemchr function locates the first occurrence of c in the initial n wide characters of the object pointed to be s. This function is not affected by locale and all wchar_t values are treated identically. The null wide character and wchar_t values not corresponding to valid characters are not treated specially.

If n is zero, s must be a valid pointer and the function behaves as if no valid occurrence of c is found.

The wmemchr function returns a pointer to the located wide character, or a null pointer if the wide character does not occur in the object.

wmemchr is ISO/IEC 9899/AMD1:1995 (ISO C).

No supporting OS subroutines are required.