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6.29 wcwidth—number of column positions of a wide-character code


     #include <wchar.h>
     int wcwidth(const wchar_t wc);

The wcwidth function shall determine the number of column positions required for the wide character wc. The application shall ensure that the value of wc is a character representable as a wchar_t, and is a wide-character code corresponding to a valid character in the current locale.

The wcwidth function shall either return 0 (if wc is a null wide-character code), or return the number of column positions to be occupied by the wide-character code wc, or return -1 (if wc does not correspond to a printable wide-character code).

wcwidth has been introduced in the Single UNIX Specification Volume 2. wcwidth has been marked as an extension in the Single UNIX Specification Volume 3.