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4.3 dprintf, vdprintf—print to a file descriptor


     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdarg.h>
     int dprintf(int fd, const char *format, ...);
     int vdprintf(int fd, const char *format, va_list ap);
     int _dprintf_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd,
         const char *format, ...);
     int _vdprintf_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd,
         const char *format, va_list ap);

dprintf and vdprintf allow printing a format, similarly to printf, but write to a file descriptor instead of to a FILE stream.

The functions _dprintf_r and _vdprintf_r are simply reentrant versions of the functions above.

The return value and errors are exactly as for write, except that errno may also be set to ENOMEM if the heap is exhausted.

This function is originally a GNU extension in glibc and is not portable.

Supporting OS subroutines required: sbrk, write.