6.2. Manuals for GNU Toolchain Components

Sourcery CodeBench Lite includes the full user manuals for each of the GNU toolchain components, such as the compiler, linker, assembler, and debugger. Most of the manuals include tutorial material for new users as well as serving as a complete reference for command-line options, supported extensions, and the like.

When you install Sourcery CodeBench Lite, links to both the PDF and HTML versions of the manuals are created in the shortcuts folder you select. If you elected not to create shortcuts when installing Sourcery CodeBench Lite, the documentation can be found in the share/doc/arm-arm-none-eabi/ subdirectory of your installation directory.

In addition to the detailed reference manuals, Sourcery CodeBench Lite includes a Unix-style manual page for each toolchain component. You can view these by invoking the man command with the pathname of the file you want to view. For example, you can first go to the directory containing the man pages:

> cd $INSTALL/share/doc/arm-arm-none-eabi/man/man1

Then you can invoke man as:

> man ./arm-none-eabi-gcc.1

Alternatively, if you use man regularly, you'll probably find it more convenient to add the directory containing the Sourcery CodeBench man pages to your MANPATH environment variable. This should go in your .profile or equivalent shell startup file; see Section 2.6, “Setting up the Environment” for instructions. Then you can invoke man with just the command name rather than a pathname.

Finally, note that every command-line utility program included with Sourcery CodeBench Lite can be invoked with a --help option. This prints a brief description of the arguments and options to the program and exits without doing further processing.