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6.56.20 TI C6X Built-in Functions

GCC provides intrinsics to access certain instructions of the TI C6X processors. These intrinsics, listed below, are available after inclusion of the c6x_intrinsics.h header file. They map directly to C6X instructions.

     int _sadd (int, int)
     int _ssub (int, int)
     int _sadd2 (int, int)
     int _ssub2 (int, int)
     long long _mpy2 (int, int)
     long long _smpy2 (int, int)
     int _add4 (int, int)
     int _sub4 (int, int)
     int _saddu4 (int, int)
     int _smpy (int, int)
     int _smpyh (int, int)
     int _smpyhl (int, int)
     int _smpylh (int, int)
     int _sshl (int, int)
     int _subc (int, int)
     int _avg2 (int, int)
     int _avgu4 (int, int)
     int _clrr (int, int)
     int _extr (int, int)
     int _extru (int, int)
     int _abs (int)
     int _abs2 (int)