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Python scripts can access information about, and manipulate inferior threads controlled by gdb, via objects of the gdb.InferiorThread class.

The following thread-related functions are available in the gdb module:

— Function: selected_thread

This function returns the thread object for the selected thread. If there is no selected thread, this will return None.

A gdb.InferiorThread object has the following attributes:

— Instance Variable of InferiorThread: num

ID of the thread, as assigned by GDB.

— Instance Variable of InferiorThread: ptid

ID of the thread, as assigned by the operating system. This attribute is a tuple containing three integers. The first is the Process ID (PID); the second is the Lightweight Process ID (LWPID), and the third is the Thread ID (TID). Either the LWPID or TID may be 0, which indicates that the operating system does not use that identifier.

A gdb.InferiorThread object has the following methods:

— Method on InferiorThread: switch

This changes gdb's currently selected thread to the one represented by this object.

— Method on InferiorThread: is_stopped

Return a Boolean indicating whether the thread is stopped.

— Method on InferiorThread: is_running

Return a Boolean indicating whether the thread is running.

— Method on InferiorThread: is_exited

Return a Boolean indicating whether the thread is exited.