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6.54.12 PowerPC AltiVec Built-in Functions

GCC provides an interface for the PowerPC family of processors to access the AltiVec operations described in Motorola's AltiVec Programming Interface Manual. The interface is made available by including <altivec.h> and using -maltivec and -mabi=altivec. The interface supports the following vector types.

     vector unsigned char
     vector signed char
     vector bool char
     vector unsigned short
     vector signed short
     vector bool short
     vector pixel
     vector unsigned int
     vector signed int
     vector bool int
     vector float

If -mvsx is used the following additional vector types are implemented.

     vector unsigned long
     vector signed long
     vector double

The long types are only implemented for 64-bit code generation, and the long type is only used in the floating point/integer conversion instructions.

GCC's implementation of the high-level language interface available from C and C++ code differs from Motorola's documentation in several ways.

Note: Only the <altivec.h> interface is supported. Internally, GCC uses built-in functions to achieve the functionality in the aforementioned header file, but they are not supported and are subject to change without notice.

The following interfaces are supported for the generic and specific AltiVec operations and the AltiVec predicates. In cases where there is a direct mapping between generic and specific operations, only the generic names are shown here, although the specific operations can also be used.

Arguments that are documented as const int require literal integral values within the range required for that operation.

     vector signed char vec_abs (vector signed char);
     vector signed short vec_abs (vector signed short);
     vector signed int vec_abs (vector signed int);
     vector float vec_abs (vector float);
     vector signed char vec_abss (vector signed char);
     vector signed short vec_abss (vector signed short);
     vector signed int vec_abss (vector signed int);
     vector signed char vec_add (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_add (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_add (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_add (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_add (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_add (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_add (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_add (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_add (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_add (vector bool short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_add (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_add (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_add (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_add (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_add (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_add (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_add (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_add (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector float vec_add (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_vaddfp (vector float, vector float);
     vector signed int vec_vadduwm (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vadduwm (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vadduwm (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vadduwm (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vadduwm (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vadduwm (vector unsigned int,
                                      vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vadduhm (vector bool short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_vadduhm (vector signed short,
                                      vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vadduhm (vector signed short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vadduhm (vector bool short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vadduhm (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vadduhm (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vaddubm (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_vaddubm (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vaddubm (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vaddubm (vector bool char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vaddubm (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vaddubm (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_addc (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned char vec_adds (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_adds (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_adds (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_adds (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_adds (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_adds (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_adds (vector bool short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_adds (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_adds (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_adds (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_adds (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_adds (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_adds (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_adds (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_adds (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_adds (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_adds (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_adds (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vaddsws (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vaddsws (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vaddsws (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vadduws (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vadduws (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vadduws (vector unsigned int,
                                      vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vaddshs (vector bool short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_vaddshs (vector signed short,
                                      vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vaddshs (vector signed short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vadduhs (vector bool short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vadduhs (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vadduhs (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vaddsbs (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_vaddsbs (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vaddsbs (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vaddubs (vector bool char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vaddubs (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vaddubs (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_and (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_and (vector float, vector bool int);
     vector float vec_and (vector bool int, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_and (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_and (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_and (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_and (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_and (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_and (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_and (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_and (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_and (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_and (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_and (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_and (vector bool short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_and (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_and (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_and (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_and (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_and (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_and (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_and (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_and (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_and (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_andc (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_andc (vector float, vector bool int);
     vector float vec_andc (vector bool int, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_andc (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_andc (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_andc (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_andc (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_andc (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_andc (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_andc (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_andc (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_andc (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_andc (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_andc (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_andc (vector bool short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_andc (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_andc (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_andc (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_andc (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_andc (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_andc (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_andc (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_andc (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_andc (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_avg (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_avg (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_avg (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_avg (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_avg (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_avg (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vavgsw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vavguw (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vavgsh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vavguh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vavgsb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vavgub (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_copysign (vector float);
     vector float vec_ceil (vector float);
     vector signed int vec_cmpb (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool char vec_cmpeq (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_cmpeq (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     vector bool short vec_cmpeq (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector bool short vec_cmpeq (vector unsigned short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector bool int vec_cmpeq (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector bool int vec_cmpeq (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_cmpeq (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_vcmpeqfp (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_vcmpequw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector bool int vec_vcmpequw (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_vcmpequh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector bool short vec_vcmpequh (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector bool char vec_vcmpequb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_vcmpequb (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector bool int vec_cmpge (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool char vec_cmpgt (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_cmpgt (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector bool short vec_cmpgt (vector unsigned short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector bool short vec_cmpgt (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector bool int vec_cmpgt (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_cmpgt (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector bool int vec_cmpgt (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_vcmpgtfp (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_vcmpgtsw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector bool int vec_vcmpgtuw (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_vcmpgtsh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector bool short vec_vcmpgtuh (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector bool char vec_vcmpgtsb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_vcmpgtub (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector bool int vec_cmple (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool char vec_cmplt (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_cmplt (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector bool short vec_cmplt (vector unsigned short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector bool short vec_cmplt (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector bool int vec_cmplt (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_cmplt (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector bool int vec_cmplt (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_ctf (vector unsigned int, const int);
     vector float vec_ctf (vector signed int, const int);
     vector float vec_vcfsx (vector signed int, const int);
     vector float vec_vcfux (vector unsigned int, const int);
     vector signed int vec_cts (vector float, const int);
     vector unsigned int vec_ctu (vector float, const int);
     void vec_dss (const int);
     void vec_dssall (void);
     void vec_dst (const vector unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector bool char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector signed short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector bool short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector pixel *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector signed int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector bool int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const vector float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const unsigned long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dst (const float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector bool char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector signed short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector bool short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector pixel *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector signed int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector bool int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const vector float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const unsigned long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstst (const float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector bool char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector signed short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector bool short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector pixel *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector signed int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector bool int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const vector float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const unsigned long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dststt (const float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector bool char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector signed short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector bool short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector pixel *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector signed int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector bool int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const vector float *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const unsigned char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const signed char *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const unsigned short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const short *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const unsigned int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const int *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const unsigned long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const long *, int, const int);
     void vec_dstt (const float *, int, const int);
     vector float vec_expte (vector float);
     vector float vec_floor (vector float);
     vector float vec_ld (int, const vector float *);
     vector float vec_ld (int, const float *);
     vector bool int vec_ld (int, const vector bool int *);
     vector signed int vec_ld (int, const vector signed int *);
     vector signed int vec_ld (int, const int *);
     vector signed int vec_ld (int, const long *);
     vector unsigned int vec_ld (int, const vector unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_ld (int, const unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_ld (int, const unsigned long *);
     vector bool short vec_ld (int, const vector bool short *);
     vector pixel vec_ld (int, const vector pixel *);
     vector signed short vec_ld (int, const vector signed short *);
     vector signed short vec_ld (int, const short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_ld (int, const vector unsigned short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_ld (int, const unsigned short *);
     vector bool char vec_ld (int, const vector bool char *);
     vector signed char vec_ld (int, const vector signed char *);
     vector signed char vec_ld (int, const signed char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_ld (int, const vector unsigned char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_ld (int, const unsigned char *);
     vector signed char vec_lde (int, const signed char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lde (int, const unsigned char *);
     vector signed short vec_lde (int, const short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_lde (int, const unsigned short *);
     vector float vec_lde (int, const float *);
     vector signed int vec_lde (int, const int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_lde (int, const unsigned int *);
     vector signed int vec_lde (int, const long *);
     vector unsigned int vec_lde (int, const unsigned long *);
     vector float vec_lvewx (int, float *);
     vector signed int vec_lvewx (int, int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_lvewx (int, unsigned int *);
     vector signed int vec_lvewx (int, long *);
     vector unsigned int vec_lvewx (int, unsigned long *);
     vector signed short vec_lvehx (int, short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_lvehx (int, unsigned short *);
     vector signed char vec_lvebx (int, char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvebx (int, unsigned char *);
     vector float vec_ldl (int, const vector float *);
     vector float vec_ldl (int, const float *);
     vector bool int vec_ldl (int, const vector bool int *);
     vector signed int vec_ldl (int, const vector signed int *);
     vector signed int vec_ldl (int, const int *);
     vector signed int vec_ldl (int, const long *);
     vector unsigned int vec_ldl (int, const vector unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_ldl (int, const unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_ldl (int, const unsigned long *);
     vector bool short vec_ldl (int, const vector bool short *);
     vector pixel vec_ldl (int, const vector pixel *);
     vector signed short vec_ldl (int, const vector signed short *);
     vector signed short vec_ldl (int, const short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_ldl (int, const vector unsigned short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_ldl (int, const unsigned short *);
     vector bool char vec_ldl (int, const vector bool char *);
     vector signed char vec_ldl (int, const vector signed char *);
     vector signed char vec_ldl (int, const signed char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_ldl (int, const vector unsigned char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_ldl (int, const unsigned char *);
     vector float vec_loge (vector float);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile unsigned char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile signed char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile unsigned short *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile short *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile int *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile unsigned long *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile long *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile float *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile unsigned char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile signed char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile unsigned short *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile short *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile int *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile unsigned long *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile long *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile float *);
     vector float vec_madd (vector float, vector float, vector float);
     vector signed short vec_madds (vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short);
     vector unsigned char vec_max (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_max (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_max (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_max (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_max (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_max (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_max (vector bool short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_max (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_max (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_max (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_max (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_max (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_max (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_max (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_max (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_max (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_max (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_max (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector float vec_max (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_vmaxfp (vector float, vector float);
     vector signed int vec_vmaxsw (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vmaxsw (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vmaxsw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmaxuw (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmaxuw (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmaxuw (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vmaxsh (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_vmaxsh (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vmaxsh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmaxuh (vector bool short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmaxuh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmaxuh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vmaxsb (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_vmaxsb (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vmaxsb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vmaxub (vector bool char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vmaxub (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vmaxub (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_mergeh (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_mergeh (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_mergeh (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector bool short vec_mergeh (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector pixel vec_mergeh (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     vector signed short vec_mergeh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_mergeh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector float vec_mergeh (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_mergeh (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_mergeh (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_mergeh (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector float vec_vmrghw (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_vmrghw (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vmrghw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmrghw (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_vmrghh (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vmrghh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmrghh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector pixel vec_vmrghh (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     vector bool char vec_vmrghb (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vmrghb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vmrghb (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_mergel (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_mergel (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_mergel (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector bool short vec_mergel (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector pixel vec_mergel (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     vector signed short vec_mergel (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_mergel (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector float vec_mergel (vector float, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_mergel (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_mergel (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_mergel (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector float vec_vmrglw (vector float, vector float);
     vector signed int vec_vmrglw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmrglw (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_vmrglw (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector bool short vec_vmrglh (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vmrglh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmrglh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector pixel vec_vmrglh (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     vector bool char vec_vmrglb (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vmrglb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vmrglb (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_mfvscr (void);
     vector unsigned char vec_min (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_min (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_min (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_min (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_min (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_min (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_min (vector bool short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_min (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_min (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_min (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_min (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_min (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_min (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_min (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_min (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_min (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_min (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_min (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector float vec_min (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_vminfp (vector float, vector float);
     vector signed int vec_vminsw (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vminsw (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vminsw (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vminuw (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vminuw (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vminuw (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vminsh (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_vminsh (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vminsh (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vminuh (vector bool short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vminuh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vminuh (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vminsb (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_vminsb (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vminsb (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vminub (vector bool char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vminub (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vminub (vector unsigned char,
                                      vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_mladd (vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_mladd (vector signed short,
                                    vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_mladd (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_mladd (vector unsigned short,
                                      vector unsigned short,
                                      vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_mradds (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_msum (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_msum (vector signed char,
                                 vector unsigned char,
                                 vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_msum (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_msum (vector signed short,
                                 vector signed short,
                                 vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vmsumshm (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short,
                                     vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmsumuhm (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_vmsummbm (vector signed char,
                                     vector unsigned char,
                                     vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmsumubm (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_msums (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_msums (vector signed short,
                                  vector signed short,
                                  vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vmsumshs (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short,
                                     vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmsumuhs (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned int);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector signed int);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector unsigned int);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector bool int);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector signed short);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector unsigned short);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector bool short);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector pixel);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector signed char);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector unsigned char);
     void vec_mtvscr (vector bool char);
     vector unsigned short vec_mule (vector unsigned char,
                                     vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_mule (vector signed char,
                                   vector signed char);
     vector unsigned int vec_mule (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_mule (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector signed int vec_vmulesh (vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmuleuh (vector unsigned short,
                                      vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_vmulesb (vector signed char,
                                      vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmuleub (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_mulo (vector unsigned char,
                                     vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_mulo (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned int vec_mulo (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_mulo (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector signed int vec_vmulosh (vector signed short,
                                    vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_vmulouh (vector unsigned short,
                                      vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_vmulosb (vector signed char,
                                      vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_vmuloub (vector unsigned char,
                                        vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_nmsub (vector float, vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_nor (vector float, vector float);
     vector signed int vec_nor (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_nor (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_nor (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed short vec_nor (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_nor (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector bool short vec_nor (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed char vec_nor (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_nor (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_nor (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector float vec_or (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_or (vector float, vector bool int);
     vector float vec_or (vector bool int, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_or (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_or (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_or (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_or (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_or (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_or (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_or (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_or (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_or (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_or (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_or (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_or (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_or (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_or (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_or (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_or (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_or (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_or (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_or (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_or (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_or (vector unsigned char,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_pack (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned char vec_pack (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector bool char vec_pack (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_pack (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned short vec_pack (vector unsigned int,
                                     vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_pack (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector bool short vec_vpkuwum (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed short vec_vpkuwum (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned short vec_vpkuwum (vector unsigned int,
                                        vector unsigned int);
     vector bool char vec_vpkuhum (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed char vec_vpkuhum (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned char vec_vpkuhum (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector pixel vec_packpx (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned char vec_packs (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_packs (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_packs (vector unsigned int,
                                      vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_packs (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector signed short vec_vpkswss (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned short vec_vpkuwus (vector unsigned int,
                                        vector unsigned int);
     vector signed char vec_vpkshss (vector signed short,
                                     vector signed short);
     vector unsigned char vec_vpkuhus (vector unsigned short,
                                       vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned char vec_packsu (vector unsigned short,
                                      vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned char vec_packsu (vector signed short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_packsu (vector unsigned int,
                                       vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned short vec_packsu (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned short vec_vpkswus (vector signed int,
                                        vector signed int);
     vector unsigned char vec_vpkshus (vector signed short,
                                       vector signed short);
     vector float vec_perm (vector float,
                            vector float,
                            vector unsigned char);
     vector signed int vec_perm (vector signed int,
                                 vector signed int,
                                 vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_perm (vector unsigned int,
                                   vector unsigned int,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector bool int vec_perm (vector bool int,
                               vector bool int,
                               vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_perm (vector signed short,
                                   vector signed short,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_perm (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned char);
     vector bool short vec_perm (vector bool short,
                                 vector bool short,
                                 vector unsigned char);
     vector pixel vec_perm (vector pixel,
                            vector pixel,
                            vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_perm (vector signed char,
                                  vector signed char,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_perm (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_perm (vector bool char,
                                vector bool char,
                                vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_re (vector float);
     vector signed char vec_rl (vector signed char,
                                vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_rl (vector unsigned char,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_rl (vector signed short, vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_rl (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_rl (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_rl (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_vrlw (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vrlw (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vrlh (vector signed short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vrlh (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vrlb (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vrlb (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_round (vector float);
     vector float vec_recip (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_rsqrt (vector float);
     vector float vec_rsqrte (vector float);
     vector float vec_sel (vector float, vector float, vector bool int);
     vector float vec_sel (vector float, vector float, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_sel (vector signed int,
                                vector signed int,
                                vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_sel (vector signed int,
                                vector signed int,
                                vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sel (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned int,
                                  vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sel (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_sel (vector bool int,
                              vector bool int,
                              vector bool int);
     vector bool int vec_sel (vector bool int,
                              vector bool int,
                              vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_sel (vector signed short,
                                  vector signed short,
                                  vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_sel (vector signed short,
                                  vector signed short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sel (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sel (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector bool short vec_sel (vector bool short,
                                vector bool short,
                                vector bool short);
     vector bool short vec_sel (vector bool short,
                                vector bool short,
                                vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_sel (vector signed char,
                                 vector signed char,
                                 vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_sel (vector signed char,
                                 vector signed char,
                                 vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sel (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char,
                                   vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sel (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_sel (vector bool char,
                               vector bool char,
                               vector bool char);
     vector bool char vec_sel (vector bool char,
                               vector bool char,
                               vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_sl (vector signed char,
                                vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sl (vector unsigned char,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_sl (vector signed short, vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sl (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_sl (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sl (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_vslw (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vslw (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vslh (vector signed short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vslh (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vslb (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vslb (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_sld (vector float, vector float, const int);
     vector signed int vec_sld (vector signed int,
                                vector signed int,
                                const int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sld (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned int,
                                  const int);
     vector bool int vec_sld (vector bool int,
                              vector bool int,
                              const int);
     vector signed short vec_sld (vector signed short,
                                  vector signed short,
                                  const int);
     vector unsigned short vec_sld (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short,
                                    const int);
     vector bool short vec_sld (vector bool short,
                                vector bool short,
                                const int);
     vector pixel vec_sld (vector pixel,
                           vector pixel,
                           const int);
     vector signed char vec_sld (vector signed char,
                                 vector signed char,
                                 const int);
     vector unsigned char vec_sld (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char,
                                   const int);
     vector bool char vec_sld (vector bool char,
                               vector bool char,
                               const int);
     vector signed int vec_sll (vector signed int,
                                vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_sll (vector signed int,
                                vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_sll (vector signed int,
                                vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_sll (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sll (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned int vec_sll (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector bool int vec_sll (vector bool int,
                              vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_sll (vector bool int,
                              vector unsigned short);
     vector bool int vec_sll (vector bool int,
                              vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_sll (vector signed short,
                                  vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_sll (vector signed short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_sll (vector signed short,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_sll (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned short vec_sll (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sll (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector bool short vec_sll (vector bool short, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_sll (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     vector bool short vec_sll (vector bool short, vector unsigned char);
     vector pixel vec_sll (vector pixel, vector unsigned int);
     vector pixel vec_sll (vector pixel, vector unsigned short);
     vector pixel vec_sll (vector pixel, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_sll (vector signed char, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed char vec_sll (vector signed char, vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_sll (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sll (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned char vec_sll (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned char vec_sll (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_sll (vector bool char, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool char vec_sll (vector bool char, vector unsigned short);
     vector bool char vec_sll (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_slo (vector float, vector signed char);
     vector float vec_slo (vector float, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed int vec_slo (vector signed int, vector signed char);
     vector signed int vec_slo (vector signed int, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_slo (vector unsigned int, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned int vec_slo (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_slo (vector signed short, vector signed char);
     vector signed short vec_slo (vector signed short, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_slo (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_slo (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector pixel vec_slo (vector pixel, vector signed char);
     vector pixel vec_slo (vector pixel, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_slo (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_slo (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_slo (vector unsigned char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_slo (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_splat (vector signed char, const int);
     vector unsigned char vec_splat (vector unsigned char, const int);
     vector bool char vec_splat (vector bool char, const int);
     vector signed short vec_splat (vector signed short, const int);
     vector unsigned short vec_splat (vector unsigned short, const int);
     vector bool short vec_splat (vector bool short, const int);
     vector pixel vec_splat (vector pixel, const int);
     vector float vec_splat (vector float, const int);
     vector signed int vec_splat (vector signed int, const int);
     vector unsigned int vec_splat (vector unsigned int, const int);
     vector bool int vec_splat (vector bool int, const int);
     vector float vec_vspltw (vector float, const int);
     vector signed int vec_vspltw (vector signed int, const int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vspltw (vector unsigned int, const int);
     vector bool int vec_vspltw (vector bool int, const int);
     vector bool short vec_vsplth (vector bool short, const int);
     vector signed short vec_vsplth (vector signed short, const int);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsplth (vector unsigned short, const int);
     vector pixel vec_vsplth (vector pixel, const int);
     vector signed char vec_vspltb (vector signed char, const int);
     vector unsigned char vec_vspltb (vector unsigned char, const int);
     vector bool char vec_vspltb (vector bool char, const int);
     vector signed char vec_splat_s8 (const int);
     vector signed short vec_splat_s16 (const int);
     vector signed int vec_splat_s32 (const int);
     vector unsigned char vec_splat_u8 (const int);
     vector unsigned short vec_splat_u16 (const int);
     vector unsigned int vec_splat_u32 (const int);
     vector signed char vec_sr (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sr (vector unsigned char,
                                  vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_sr (vector signed short,
                                 vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sr (vector unsigned short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_sr (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sr (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_vsrw (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsrw (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vsrh (vector signed short,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsrh (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vsrb (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsrb (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_sra (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sra (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_sra (vector signed short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sra (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_sra (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sra (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_vsraw (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsraw (vector unsigned int,
                                    vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vsrah (vector signed short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsrah (vector unsigned short,
                                      vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vsrab (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsrab (vector unsigned char,
                                     vector unsigned char);
     vector signed int vec_srl (vector signed int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_srl (vector signed int, vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_srl (vector signed int, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_srl (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_srl (vector unsigned int,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned int vec_srl (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned char);
     vector bool int vec_srl (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool int vec_srl (vector bool int, vector unsigned short);
     vector bool int vec_srl (vector bool int, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_srl (vector signed short, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_srl (vector signed short,
                                  vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_srl (vector signed short, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_srl (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned short vec_srl (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_srl (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector bool short vec_srl (vector bool short, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_srl (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     vector bool short vec_srl (vector bool short, vector unsigned char);
     vector pixel vec_srl (vector pixel, vector unsigned int);
     vector pixel vec_srl (vector pixel, vector unsigned short);
     vector pixel vec_srl (vector pixel, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_srl (vector signed char, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed char vec_srl (vector signed char, vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_srl (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_srl (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned char vec_srl (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned char vec_srl (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector bool char vec_srl (vector bool char, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool char vec_srl (vector bool char, vector unsigned short);
     vector bool char vec_srl (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector float vec_sro (vector float, vector signed char);
     vector float vec_sro (vector float, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed int vec_sro (vector signed int, vector signed char);
     vector signed int vec_sro (vector signed int, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_sro (vector unsigned int, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned int vec_sro (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_sro (vector signed short, vector signed char);
     vector signed short vec_sro (vector signed short, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned short vec_sro (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_sro (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector pixel vec_sro (vector pixel, vector signed char);
     vector pixel vec_sro (vector pixel, vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_sro (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_sro (vector signed char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sro (vector unsigned char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sro (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     void vec_st (vector float, int, vector float *);
     void vec_st (vector float, int, float *);
     void vec_st (vector signed int, int, vector signed int *);
     void vec_st (vector signed int, int, int *);
     void vec_st (vector unsigned int, int, vector unsigned int *);
     void vec_st (vector unsigned int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_st (vector bool int, int, vector bool int *);
     void vec_st (vector bool int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_st (vector bool int, int, int *);
     void vec_st (vector signed short, int, vector signed short *);
     void vec_st (vector signed short, int, short *);
     void vec_st (vector unsigned short, int, vector unsigned short *);
     void vec_st (vector unsigned short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_st (vector bool short, int, vector bool short *);
     void vec_st (vector bool short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_st (vector pixel, int, vector pixel *);
     void vec_st (vector pixel, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_st (vector pixel, int, short *);
     void vec_st (vector bool short, int, short *);
     void vec_st (vector signed char, int, vector signed char *);
     void vec_st (vector signed char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_st (vector unsigned char, int, vector unsigned char *);
     void vec_st (vector unsigned char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_st (vector bool char, int, vector bool char *);
     void vec_st (vector bool char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_st (vector bool char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_ste (vector signed char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_ste (vector unsigned char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_ste (vector bool char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_ste (vector bool char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_ste (vector signed short, int, short *);
     void vec_ste (vector unsigned short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_ste (vector bool short, int, short *);
     void vec_ste (vector bool short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_ste (vector pixel, int, short *);
     void vec_ste (vector pixel, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_ste (vector float, int, float *);
     void vec_ste (vector signed int, int, int *);
     void vec_ste (vector unsigned int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_ste (vector bool int, int, int *);
     void vec_ste (vector bool int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_stvewx (vector float, int, float *);
     void vec_stvewx (vector signed int, int, int *);
     void vec_stvewx (vector unsigned int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_stvewx (vector bool int, int, int *);
     void vec_stvewx (vector bool int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_stvehx (vector signed short, int, short *);
     void vec_stvehx (vector unsigned short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_stvehx (vector bool short, int, short *);
     void vec_stvehx (vector bool short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_stvehx (vector pixel, int, short *);
     void vec_stvehx (vector pixel, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_stvebx (vector signed char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_stvebx (vector unsigned char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_stvebx (vector bool char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_stvebx (vector bool char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_stl (vector float, int, vector float *);
     void vec_stl (vector float, int, float *);
     void vec_stl (vector signed int, int, vector signed int *);
     void vec_stl (vector signed int, int, int *);
     void vec_stl (vector unsigned int, int, vector unsigned int *);
     void vec_stl (vector unsigned int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool int, int, vector bool int *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool int, int, int *);
     void vec_stl (vector signed short, int, vector signed short *);
     void vec_stl (vector signed short, int, short *);
     void vec_stl (vector unsigned short, int, vector unsigned short *);
     void vec_stl (vector unsigned short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool short, int, vector bool short *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool short, int, short *);
     void vec_stl (vector pixel, int, vector pixel *);
     void vec_stl (vector pixel, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_stl (vector pixel, int, short *);
     void vec_stl (vector signed char, int, vector signed char *);
     void vec_stl (vector signed char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_stl (vector unsigned char, int, vector unsigned char *);
     void vec_stl (vector unsigned char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool char, int, vector bool char *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_stl (vector bool char, int, signed char *);
     vector signed char vec_sub (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_sub (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_sub (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sub (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sub (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_sub (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     vector signed short vec_sub (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_sub (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_sub (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sub (vector bool short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sub (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_sub (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed int vec_sub (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_sub (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_sub (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sub (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sub (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_sub (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector float vec_sub (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_vsubfp (vector float, vector float);
     vector signed int vec_vsubuwm (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vsubuwm (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vsubuwm (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsubuwm (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsubuwm (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsubuwm (vector unsigned int,
                                      vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vsubuhm (vector bool short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_vsubuhm (vector signed short,
                                      vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vsubuhm (vector signed short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsubuhm (vector bool short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsubuhm (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsubuhm (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vsububm (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_vsububm (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vsububm (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsububm (vector bool char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsububm (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsububm (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_subc (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned char vec_subs (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_subs (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_subs (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned char);
     vector signed char vec_subs (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_subs (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_subs (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned short vec_subs (vector bool short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_subs (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_subs (vector unsigned short,
                                     vector unsigned short);
     vector signed short vec_subs (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_subs (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_subs (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_subs (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_subs (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_subs (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_subs (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_subs (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_subs (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vsubsws (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vsubsws (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_vsubsws (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsubuws (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsubuws (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsubuws (vector unsigned int,
                                      vector unsigned int);
     vector signed short vec_vsubshs (vector bool short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_vsubshs (vector signed short,
                                      vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_vsubshs (vector signed short,
                                      vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsubuhs (vector bool short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsubuhs (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsubuhs (vector unsigned short,
                                        vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_vsubsbs (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector signed char vec_vsubsbs (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_vsubsbs (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsububs (vector bool char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsububs (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsububs (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned int vec_sum4s (vector unsigned char,
                                    vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_sum4s (vector signed char, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_sum4s (vector signed short, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vsum4shs (vector signed short, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_vsum4sbs (vector signed char, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsum4ubs (vector unsigned char,
                                       vector unsigned int);
     vector signed int vec_sum2s (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_sums (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector float vec_trunc (vector float);
     vector signed short vec_unpackh (vector signed char);
     vector bool short vec_unpackh (vector bool char);
     vector signed int vec_unpackh (vector signed short);
     vector bool int vec_unpackh (vector bool short);
     vector unsigned int vec_unpackh (vector pixel);
     vector bool int vec_vupkhsh (vector bool short);
     vector signed int vec_vupkhsh (vector signed short);
     vector unsigned int vec_vupkhpx (vector pixel);
     vector bool short vec_vupkhsb (vector bool char);
     vector signed short vec_vupkhsb (vector signed char);
     vector signed short vec_unpackl (vector signed char);
     vector bool short vec_unpackl (vector bool char);
     vector unsigned int vec_unpackl (vector pixel);
     vector signed int vec_unpackl (vector signed short);
     vector bool int vec_unpackl (vector bool short);
     vector unsigned int vec_vupklpx (vector pixel);
     vector bool int vec_vupklsh (vector bool short);
     vector signed int vec_vupklsh (vector signed short);
     vector bool short vec_vupklsb (vector bool char);
     vector signed short vec_vupklsb (vector signed char);
     vector float vec_xor (vector float, vector float);
     vector float vec_xor (vector float, vector bool int);
     vector float vec_xor (vector bool int, vector float);
     vector bool int vec_xor (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_xor (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     vector signed int vec_xor (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     vector signed int vec_xor (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     vector unsigned int vec_xor (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     vector unsigned int vec_xor (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     vector unsigned int vec_xor (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     vector bool short vec_xor (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_xor (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     vector signed short vec_xor (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     vector signed short vec_xor (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     vector unsigned short vec_xor (vector bool short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector unsigned short vec_xor (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector bool short);
     vector unsigned short vec_xor (vector unsigned short,
                                    vector unsigned short);
     vector signed char vec_xor (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     vector bool char vec_xor (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_xor (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     vector signed char vec_xor (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     vector unsigned char vec_xor (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     vector unsigned char vec_xor (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     vector unsigned char vec_xor (vector unsigned char,
                                   vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_eq (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_eq (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     int vec_all_eq (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_eq (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_ge (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_ge (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_ge (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_ge (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_ge (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_ge (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_ge (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_ge (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_ge (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_ge (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_ge (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_ge (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_ge (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_ge (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_ge (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_ge (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_ge (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_ge (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_ge (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_gt (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_gt (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_gt (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_gt (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_gt (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_gt (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_gt (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_gt (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_gt (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_gt (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_gt (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_gt (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_gt (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_gt (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_gt (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_gt (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_gt (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_gt (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_gt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_in (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_le (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_le (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_le (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_le (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_le (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_le (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_le (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_le (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_le (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_le (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_le (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_le (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_le (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_le (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_le (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_le (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_le (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_le (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_le (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_lt (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_lt (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_lt (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_lt (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_lt (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_lt (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_lt (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_lt (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_lt (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_lt (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_lt (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_lt (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_lt (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_lt (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_lt (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_lt (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_lt (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_lt (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_lt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_nan (vector float);
     int vec_all_ne (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_all_ne (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_all_ne (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     int vec_all_ne (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_all_ne (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_nge (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_ngt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_nle (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_nlt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_all_numeric (vector float);
     int vec_any_eq (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_eq (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_eq (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     int vec_any_eq (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_eq (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_ge (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_ge (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_ge (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_ge (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_ge (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_ge (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_ge (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_ge (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_ge (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_ge (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_ge (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_ge (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_ge (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_ge (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_ge (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_ge (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_ge (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_ge (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_ge (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_gt (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_gt (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_gt (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_gt (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_gt (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_gt (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_gt (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_gt (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_gt (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_gt (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_gt (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_gt (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_gt (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_gt (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_gt (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_gt (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_gt (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_gt (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_gt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_le (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_le (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_le (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_le (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_le (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_le (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_le (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_le (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_le (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_le (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_le (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_le (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_le (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_le (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_le (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_le (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_le (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_le (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_le (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_lt (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_lt (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_lt (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_lt (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_lt (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_lt (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_lt (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_lt (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_lt (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_lt (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_lt (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_lt (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_lt (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_lt (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_lt (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_lt (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_lt (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_lt (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_lt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_nan (vector float);
     int vec_any_ne (vector signed char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector signed char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector unsigned char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool char, vector bool char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool char, vector unsigned char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool char, vector signed char);
     int vec_any_ne (vector signed short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector signed short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector unsigned short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool short, vector bool short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool short, vector unsigned short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool short, vector signed short);
     int vec_any_ne (vector pixel, vector pixel);
     int vec_any_ne (vector signed int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector signed int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector unsigned int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool int, vector bool int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool int, vector unsigned int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector bool int, vector signed int);
     int vec_any_ne (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_nge (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_ngt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_nle (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_nlt (vector float, vector float);
     int vec_any_numeric (vector float);
     int vec_any_out (vector float, vector float);

If the vector/scalar (VSX) instruction set is available, the following additional functions are available:

     vector double vec_abs (vector double);
     vector double vec_add (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_and (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_and (vector double, vector bool long);
     vector double vec_and (vector bool long, vector double);
     vector double vec_andc (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_andc (vector double, vector bool long);
     vector double vec_andc (vector bool long, vector double);
     vector double vec_ceil (vector double);
     vector bool long vec_cmpeq (vector double, vector double);
     vector bool long vec_cmpge (vector double, vector double);
     vector bool long vec_cmpgt (vector double, vector double);
     vector bool long vec_cmple (vector double, vector double);
     vector bool long vec_cmplt (vector double, vector double);
     vector float vec_div (vector float, vector float);
     vector double vec_div (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_floor (vector double);
     vector double vec_ld (int, const vector double *);
     vector double vec_ld (int, const double *);
     vector double vec_ldl (int, const vector double *);
     vector double vec_ldl (int, const double *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsl (int, const volatile double *);
     vector unsigned char vec_lvsr (int, const volatile double *);
     vector double vec_madd (vector double, vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_max (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_min (vector double, vector double);
     vector float vec_msub (vector float, vector float, vector float);
     vector double vec_msub (vector double, vector double, vector double);
     vector float vec_mul (vector float, vector float);
     vector double vec_mul (vector double, vector double);
     vector float vec_nearbyint (vector float);
     vector double vec_nearbyint (vector double);
     vector float vec_nmadd (vector float, vector float, vector float);
     vector double vec_nmadd (vector double, vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_nmsub (vector double, vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_nor (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_or (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_or (vector double, vector bool long);
     vector double vec_or (vector bool long, vector double);
     vector double vec_perm (vector double,
                             vector double,
                             vector unsigned char);
     vector double vec_rint (vector double);
     vector double vec_recip (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_rsqrt (vector double);
     vector double vec_rsqrte (vector double);
     vector double vec_sel (vector double, vector double, vector bool long);
     vector double vec_sel (vector double, vector double, vector unsigned long);
     vector double vec_sub (vector double, vector double);
     vector float vec_sqrt (vector float);
     vector double vec_sqrt (vector double);
     void vec_st (vector double, int, vector double *);
     void vec_st (vector double, int, double *);
     vector double vec_trunc (vector double);
     vector double vec_xor (vector double, vector double);
     vector double vec_xor (vector double, vector bool long);
     vector double vec_xor (vector bool long, vector double);
     int vec_all_eq (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_ge (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_gt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_le (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_lt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_nan (vector double);
     int vec_all_ne (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_nge (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_ngt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_nle (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_nlt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_all_numeric (vector double);
     int vec_any_eq (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_ge (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_gt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_le (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_lt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_nan (vector double);
     int vec_any_ne (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_nge (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_ngt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_nle (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_nlt (vector double, vector double);
     int vec_any_numeric (vector double);
     vector double vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector double *);
     vector double vec_vsx_ld (int, const double *);
     vector float vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector float *);
     vector float vec_vsx_ld (int, const float *);
     vector bool int vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector bool int *);
     vector signed int vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector signed int *);
     vector signed int vec_vsx_ld (int, const int *);
     vector signed int vec_vsx_ld (int, const long *);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsx_ld (int, const unsigned int *);
     vector unsigned int vec_vsx_ld (int, const unsigned long *);
     vector bool short vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector bool short *);
     vector pixel vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector pixel *);
     vector signed short vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector signed short *);
     vector signed short vec_vsx_ld (int, const short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector unsigned short *);
     vector unsigned short vec_vsx_ld (int, const unsigned short *);
     vector bool char vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector bool char *);
     vector signed char vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector signed char *);
     vector signed char vec_vsx_ld (int, const signed char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsx_ld (int, const vector unsigned char *);
     vector unsigned char vec_vsx_ld (int, const unsigned char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector double, int, vector double *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector double, int, double *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector float, int, vector float *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector float, int, float *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector signed int, int, vector signed int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector signed int, int, int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector unsigned int, int, vector unsigned int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector unsigned int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool int, int, vector bool int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool int, int, unsigned int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool int, int, int *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector signed short, int, vector signed short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector signed short, int, short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector unsigned short, int, vector unsigned short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector unsigned short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool short, int, vector bool short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool short, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector pixel, int, vector pixel *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector pixel, int, unsigned short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector pixel, int, short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool short, int, short *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector signed char, int, vector signed char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector signed char, int, signed char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector unsigned char, int, vector unsigned char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector unsigned char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool char, int, vector bool char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool char, int, unsigned char *);
     void vec_vsx_st (vector bool char, int, signed char *);

Note that the ‘vec_ld’ and ‘vec_st’ builtins will always generate the Altivec ‘LVX’ and ‘STVX’ instructions even if the VSX instruction set is available. The ‘vec_vsx_ld’ and ‘vec_vsx_st’ builtins will always generate the VSX ‘LXVD2X’, ‘LXVW4X’, ‘STXVD2X’, and ‘STXVW4X’ instructions.

GCC provides a few other builtins on Powerpc to access certain instructions:

     float __builtin_recipdivf (float, float);
     float __builtin_rsqrtf (float);
     double __builtin_recipdiv (double, double);
     double __builtin_rsqrt (double);
     long __builtin_bpermd (long, long);
     int __builtin_bswap16 (int);

The vec_rsqrt, __builtin_rsqrt, and __builtin_rsqrtf functions generate multiple instructions to implement the reciprocal sqrt functionality using reciprocal sqrt estimate instructions.

The __builtin_recipdiv, and __builtin_recipdivf functions generate multiple instructions to implement division using the reciprocal estimate instructions.

GCC also provides a family of builtins on PowerPC to explicitly use the isel instruction. While GCC can and does generate isel instructions normally, the builtins enable you to explicitly force generation of these instructions. The builtins are only available when compiling for processors that support the isel instruction; they compile to a code sequence of cmpw followed by isel.

int __builtin_iseleq (int x, int y, int a, int b)
int __builtin_iseleq (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int a, int b)
int __builtin_iseleq (void *x, void *y, int a, int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iseleq (int x, int y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iseleq (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iseleq (void *x, void *y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
void *__builtin_iseleq (int x, int y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_iseleq (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_iseleq (void *x, void *y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x and y are equal, otherwise return b.
int __builtin_isellt (int x, int y, int a, int b)
unsigned int __builtin_isellt (int x, int y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
void *__builtin_isellt (int x, int y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is less than y, otherwise return b. Note that this uses signed comparison.
int __builtin_iselgt (int x, int y, int a, int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iselgt (int x, int y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
void *__builtin_iselgt (int x, int y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is greater than y, otherwise return b. Note that this uses signed comparison.
int __builtin_iselltu (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int a, int b)
int __builtin_iselltu (void *x, void *y, int a, int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iselltu (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iselltu (void *x, void *y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
void *__builtin_iselltu (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_iselltu (void *x, void *y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is less than y, otherwise return b In contrast to __builtin_isellt, this uses unsigned comparison.
int __builtin_iselgtu (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int a, int b)
int __builtin_iselgtu (void *x, void *y, int a, int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iselgtu (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
unsigned int __builtin_iselgtu (void *x, void *y, unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
void *__builtin_iselgtu (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_iselgtu (void *x, void *y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is greater than y, otherwise return b In contrast to __builtin_iselgt, this uses unsigned comparison.

Builtins that do 64-bit comparisons (i.e. using cmpd instead of cmpw) are also available on 64-bit processors supporting isel.

long __builtin_isel64eq (long x, long y, long a, long b)
long __builtin_isel64eq (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, long a, long b)
long __builtin_isel64eq (void *x, void *y, long a, long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64eq (long x, long y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64eq (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64eq (void *x, void *y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
void *__builtin_isel64eq (long x, long y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_isel64eq (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_isel64eq (void *x, void *y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x and y are equal, otherwise return b.
long __builtin_isel64lt (long x, long y, long a, long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64lt (long x, long y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
void *__builtin_isel64lt (long x, long y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is less than y, otherwise return b. Note that this uses signed comparison.
long __builtin_isel64gt (long x, long y, long a, long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64gt (long x, long y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
void *__builtin_isel64gt (long x, long y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is greater than y, otherwise return b. Note that this uses signed comparison.
long __builtin_isel64ltu (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, long a, long b)
long __builtin_isel64ltu (void *x, void *y, long a, long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64ltu (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64ltu (void *x, void *y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
void *__builtin_isel64ltu (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_isel64ltu (void *x, void *y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is less than y, otherwise return b In contrast to __builtin_isel64lt, this uses unsigned comparison.
long __builtin_isel64gtu (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, long a, long b)
long __builtin_isel64gtu (void *x, void *y, long a, long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64gtu (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
unsigned long __builtin_isel64gtu (void *x, void *y, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
void *__builtin_isel64gtu (unsigned long x, unsigned long y, void *a, void *b)
void *__builtin_isel64gtu (void *x, void *y, void *a, void *b)
Return a if x is greater than y, otherwise return b In contrast to __builtin_isel64gt, this uses unsigned comparison.