#!/usr/local/bin/ez-ipupdate -c # # example config file for ez-ipupdate # # this file is actually executable! # service-type=dyndns #service-type=dyndns-static user=myuserid:mypassword host=mydomain.whatever.com interface=eth1 max-interval=2073600 # please create this file and ensure that the user that ez-ipupdate is running # as has write permissions to it then uncomment this line, if you don't your # dyndns account will probably get banned. if you run ez-ipupdate as root (bad # idea, use "run-as-user") then you can just uncomment this line. #cache-file=/etc/ez-ipupdate.cache.eth1 # for the mean time we'll just use a cache file in the temp directory cache-file=/tmp/ez-ipupdate.cache # uncomment this once you have everything working how you want and you are # ready to have ez-ipupdate running in the background all the time. to stop it # you can use "killall -QUIT ez-ipupdate" under linux. #daemon