Summary: Access control list utilities. Name: @pkg_name@ Version: @pkg_version@ Release: @pkg_release@ Packager: Silicon Graphics, Inc. BuildRoot: @build_root@ Source: @pkg_name@-@pkg_version@.src.tar.gz License: GPL Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Group: System Environment/Base URL: %description This package contains the getfacl and setfacl utilities needed for manipulating access control lists. %package -n libacl Summary: Dynamic library for access control list support. Group: Development/Libraries Prereq: /sbin/ldconfig %description -n libacl This package contains the dynamic library which contains the POSIX 1003.1e draft standard 17 functions for manipulating access control lists. %package -n libacl-devel Summary: Access control list static libraries and headers. Group: Development/Libraries Requires: libacl Provides: acl-devel Obsoletes: acl-devel %description -n libacl-devel This package contains static libraries and header files needed to develop programs which make use of the access control list programming interface defined in POSIX 1003.1e draft standard 17. %prep if [ -f .census ] ; then if [ ! -d ${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME}-${RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION} ] ; then ln -s . ${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME}-${RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION} fi else %setup @make@ configure fi %build @make@ %install DIST_ROOT="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" DIST_INSTALL=`pwd`/install.manifest DIST_INSTALL_DEV=`pwd`/install-dev.manifest DIST_INSTALL_LIB=`pwd`/install-lib.manifest export DIST_ROOT DIST_INSTALL DIST_INSTALL_DEV DIST_INSTALL_LIB @make@ install DIST_MANIFEST="$DIST_INSTALL" @make@ -C build/rpm rpmfiles DIST_MANIFEST="$DIST_INSTALL" @make@ install-dev DIST_MANIFEST="$DIST_INSTALL_DEV" @make@ -C build/rpm rpmfiles-dev DIST_MANIFEST="$DIST_INSTALL_DEV" @make@ install-lib DIST_MANIFEST="$DIST_INSTALL_LIB" @make@ -C build/rpm rpmfiles-lib DIST_MANIFEST="$DIST_INSTALL_LIB" %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -n libacl -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libacl -p /sbin/ldconfig %files -f build/rpm/rpmfiles %files -n libacl-devel -f build/rpm/rpmfiles-dev %files -n libacl -f build/rpm/rpmfiles-lib