Deleted Added
full compact
swtch64.S (99887) swtch64.S (105611)
1/* $FreeBSD: head/sys/powerpc/aim/swtch.S 99887 2002-07-12 18:34:22Z jhb $ */
1/* $FreeBSD: head/sys/powerpc/aim/swtch.S 105611 2002-10-21 05:27:41Z grehan $ */
2/* $NetBSD: locore.S,v 1.24 2000/05/31 05:09:17 thorpej Exp $ */
5 * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice
6 * All rights reserved.
7 *
8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions

--- 68 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

78 mr %r12,%r2
79 stmw %r12,PCB_CONTEXT(%r3) /* Save the non-volatile GP regs */
80 mr %r14,%r3 /* Copy the current pcb pointer */
81 mr %r15,%r4 /* ... and the curthread pointer */
82 mfcr %r16 /* Save the condition register */
83 stw %r16,PCB_CR(%r3)
84 mflr %r16 /* Save the link register */
85 stw %r16,PCB_LR(%r3)
2/* $NetBSD: locore.S,v 1.24 2000/05/31 05:09:17 thorpej Exp $ */
5 * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice
6 * All rights reserved.
7 *
8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions

--- 68 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

78 mr %r12,%r2
79 stmw %r12,PCB_CONTEXT(%r3) /* Save the non-volatile GP regs */
80 mr %r14,%r3 /* Copy the current pcb pointer */
81 mr %r15,%r4 /* ... and the curthread pointer */
82 mfcr %r16 /* Save the condition register */
83 stw %r16,PCB_CR(%r3)
84 mflr %r16 /* Save the link register */
85 stw %r16,PCB_LR(%r3)
86 mfsr %r16,USER_SR /* Save USER_SR for copyin/out */
87 isync
88 stw %r16,PCB_USR(%r3)
86 stw %r1,PCB_SP(%r3) /* Save the stack pointer */
88#if 0
89 lwz %r29,PCB_FLAGS(%r3)
90 andi. %r9, %r29, 1 /* XXX - don't hard code */
91 beq .L1
92 bl save_fpu

--- 29 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

124 lwz %r3, TD_PCB(%r3)
125 lmw %r12,PCB_CONTEXT(%r3) /* Load the non-volatile GP regs */
126 mr %r2,%r12
127 lwz %r5,PCB_CR(%r3) /* Load the condition register */
128 mtcr %r5
129 lwz %r5,PCB_LR(%r3) /* Load the link register */
130 mtlr %r5
89 stw %r1,PCB_SP(%r3) /* Save the stack pointer */
91#if 0
92 lwz %r29,PCB_FLAGS(%r3)
93 andi. %r9, %r29, 1 /* XXX - don't hard code */
94 beq .L1
95 bl save_fpu

--- 29 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

127 lwz %r3, TD_PCB(%r3)
128 lmw %r12,PCB_CONTEXT(%r3) /* Load the non-volatile GP regs */
129 mr %r2,%r12
130 lwz %r5,PCB_CR(%r3) /* Load the condition register */
131 mtcr %r5
132 lwz %r5,PCB_LR(%r3) /* Load the link register */
133 mtlr %r5
134 lwz %r5,PCB_USR(%r3) /* Load the USER_SR segment reg */
135 mtsr USER_SR,%r5
136 isync
131 lwz %r1,PCB_SP(%r3) /* Load the stack pointer */
132 blr
135 * savectx(pcb)
136 * Update pcb, saving current processor state
137 */

--- 17 unchanged lines hidden ---
137 lwz %r1,PCB_SP(%r3) /* Load the stack pointer */
138 blr
141 * savectx(pcb)
142 * Update pcb, saving current processor state
143 */

--- 17 unchanged lines hidden ---