Deleted Added
full compact
2 * Copyright (c) 1998 Robert Nordier
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
6 * permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
7 * paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
8 * such forms.
9 *
10 * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
11 * implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
12 * warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
13 * purpose.
14 *
15 * $FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/pc98/btx/btx/btx.S 138189 2004-11-29 11:54:42Z nyan $
15 * $FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/pc98/btx/btx/btx.S 146011 2005-05-08 14:17:28Z nyan $
16 */
19 * Memory layout.
20 */
21 .set MEM_BTX,0x1000 # Start of BTX memory
22 .set MEM_ESP0,0x1800 # Supervisor stack
23 .set MEM_BUF,0x1800 # Scratch buffer

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66 */
67 .set DMP_X16,0x1 # Word
68 .set DMP_X32,0x2 # Long
69 .set DMP_MEM,0x4 # Memory
70 .set DMP_EOL,0x8 # End of line
72 * Screen defaults and assumptions.
73 */
74#ifdef PC98
74 .set SCR_MAT,0xe1 # Mode/attribute
77 .set SCR_MAT,0x7 # Mode/attribute
75 .set SCR_COL,0x50 # Columns per row
76 .set SCR_ROW,0x19 # Rows per screen
78 * BIOS Data Area locations.
79 */
84#ifdef PC98
80 .set BDA_MEM,0x501 # Free memory
81 .set BDA_KEYFLAGS,0x53a # Keyboard shift-state flags
82 .set BDA_POS,0x53e # Cursor position
89 .set BDA_MEM,0x413 # Free memory
90 .set BDA_KEYFLAGS,0x417 # Keyboard shift-state flags
91 .set BDA_SCR,0x449 # Video mode
92 .set BDA_POS,0x450 # Cursor position
93 .set BDA_BOOT,0x472 # Boot howto flag
84 * Derivations, for brevity.
85 */
86 .set _ESP0H,MEM_ESP0>>0x8 # Byte 1 of ESP0
87 .set _ESP1H,MEM_ESP1>>0x8 # Byte 1 of ESP1
88 .set _TSSIO,MEM_MAP-MEM_TSS # TSS I/O base
89 .set _TSSLM,MEM_DIR-MEM_TSS-1 # TSS limit
90 .set _IDTLM,MEM_TSS-MEM_IDT-1 # IDT limit

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216 movw %cx,%ss # stack
218 * Launch user task.
219 */
220 movb $SEL_TSS,%cl # Set task
221 ltr %cx # register
222 movl $MEM_USR,%edx # User base address
223 movzwl %ss:BDA_MEM,%eax # Get free memory
236#ifdef PC98
224 andl $0x7,%eax
225 incl %eax
226 shll $0x11,%eax # To bytes
241 shll $0xa,%eax # To bytes
227 subl $0x1000,%eax # Less arg space
228 subl %edx,%eax # Less base
229 movb $SEL_UDATA,%cl # User data selector
230 pushl %ecx # Set SS
231 pushl %eax # Set ESP
232 push $0x202 # Set flags (IF set)
233 push $SEL_UCODE # Set CS
234 pushl btx_hdr+0xc # Set EIP

--- 46 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

281 * To real-address mode.
282 */
283 dec %ax # Switch to
284 mov %eax,%cr0 # real mode
285 ljmp $0x0,$exit.2 # Reload CS
286exit.2: xor %ax,%ax # Real mode segment
287 mov %ax,%ss # Reload SS
288 mov %ax,%ds # Address data
305#ifdef PC98
289 mov $0x1008,%bx # Set real mode
308 mov $0x7008,%bx # Set real mode
290 callw setpic # IRQ offsets
291 lidt ivtdesc # Set IVT
293 * Reboot or await reset.
294 */
295 sti # Enable interrupts
296 testb $0x1,btx_hdr+0x7 # Reboot?
297exit.3: jz exit.3 # No
318#ifdef PC98
298 movb $0xa0,%al
299 outb %al,$0x35
300 movb 0,%al
301 outb %al,$0xf0
302exit.4: jmp exit.4
325 movw $0x1234, BDA_BOOT # Do a warm boot
326 ljmp $0xf000,$0xfff0 # reboot the machine
304 * Set IRQ offsets by reprogramming 8259A PICs.
305 */
331#ifdef PC98
306setpic: in $0x02,%al # Save master
307 push %ax # IMR
308 in $0x0a,%al # Save slave
309 push %ax # IMR
310 movb $0x11,%al # ICW1 to
311 outb %al,$0x00 # master,
312 outb %al,$0x08 # slave
313 movb %bl,%al # ICW2 to

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321 movb $0x1d,%al # ICW4 to
322 outb %al,$0x02 # master,
323 movb $0x9,%al # ICW4 to
324 outb %al,$0x0a # slave
325 pop %ax # Restore slave
326 outb %al,$0x0a # IMR
327 pop %ax # Restore master
328 outb %al,$0x02 # IMR
356setpic: in $0x21,%al # Save master
357 push %ax # IMR
358 in $0xa1,%al # Save slave
359 push %ax # IMR
360 movb $0x11,%al # ICW1 to
361 outb %al,$0x20 # master,
362 outb %al,$0xa0 # slave
363 movb %bl,%al # ICW2 to
364 outb %al,$0x21 # master
365 movb %bh,%al # ICW2 to
366 outb %al,$0xa1 # slave
367 movb $0x4,%al # ICW3 to
368 outb %al,$0x21 # master
369 movb $0x2,%al # ICW3 to
370 outb %al,$0xa1 # slave
371 movb $0x1,%al # ICW4 to
372 outb %al,$0x21 # master,
373 outb %al,$0xa1 # slave
374 pop %ax # Restore slave
375 outb %al,$0xa1 # IMR
376 pop %ax # Restore master
377 outb %al,$0x21 # IMR
329 retw # To caller
330 .code32
332 * Initiate return from V86 mode to user mode.
333 */
334inthlt: hlt # To supervisor mode
336 * Exception jump table.

--- 63 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

400 jne except.1 # SS, ESP
401except.2: push $SEL_SDATA # Set up
402 popl %ds # to
403 pushl %ds # address
404 popl %es # data
405 movl %esp,%ebx # Stack frame
406 movl $dmpfmt,%esi # Dump format string
407 movl $MEM_BUF,%edi # Buffer
458#ifdef PC98
408 pushl %eax
409 pushl %edx
411 inb $0x60,%al
412 testb $0x04,%al
413 jz wait.1
414 movb $0xe0,%al
415 outb %al,$0x62

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

426 inb $0x62,%al
427 inb $0x62,%al
428 movl %edx,%eax
429 shlw $1,%ax
430 movl $BDA_POS,%edx
431 movw %ax,(%edx)
432 popl %edx
433 popl %eax
434 pushl %edi # Dump to
435 call dump # buffer
436 popl %esi # and
437 call putstr # display
438 leal 0x18(%esp,1),%esp # Discard frame
439 popa # Restore
440 popl %es # registers
441 popl %ds # saved

--- 252 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

694 movl 0x1c(%ebp),%eax # user's saved EAX
695 cmpb $0x87,%ah # is it the memcpy subfunction?
696 jne v86intn.1 # no, keep checking
697 popl %eax # get the stack straight
698 jmp int15_87 # it's our cue
699v86intn.1: cmpw $0x4f53,%ax # is it the delete key callout?
700 jne v86intn.2 # no, handle the int normally
701 movb BDA_KEYFLAGS,%al # get the shift key state
754#ifdef PC98
702 andb $0x18,%al # mask off just Ctrl and Alt
703 cmpb $0x18,%al # are both Ctrl and Alt down?
758 andb $0xc,%al # mask off just Ctrl and Alt
759 cmpb $0xc,%al # are both Ctrl and Alt down?
704 jne v86intn.2 # no, handle the int normally
705 popl %eax # restore EAX
706 jmp reboot # reboot the machine
707v86intn.2: popl %eax # restore EAX
708v86intn.3: subl %edi,%esi # From
709 shrl $0x4,%edi # linear
710 movw %dx,-0x2(%ebx) # Save flags
711 movw %di,-0x4(%ebx) # Save CS

--- 20 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

732 push $0xc # Int 0x24: IRQ4
733 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0xc
734 push $0xd # Int 0x25: IRQ5
735 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0xd
736 push $0xe # Int 0x26: IRQ6
737 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0xe
738 push $0xf # Int 0x27: IRQ7
739 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0xf
797#ifdef PC98
740 push $0x10 # Int 0x28: IRQ8
741 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x10
742 push $0x11 # Int 0x29: IRQ9
743 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x11
744 push $0x12 # Int 0x2a: IRQ10
745 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x12
746 push $0x13 # Int 0x2b: IRQ11
747 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x13
748 push $0x14 # Int 0x2c: IRQ12
749 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x14
750 push $0x15 # Int 0x2d: IRQ13
751 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x15
752 push $0x16 # Int 0x2e: IRQ14
753 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x16
754 push $0x17 # Int 0x2f: IRQ15
755 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x17
815 push $0x70 # Int 0x28: IRQ8
816 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x70
817 push $0x71 # Int 0x29: IRQ9
818 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x71
819 push $0x72 # Int 0x2a: IRQ10
820 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x72
821 push $0x73 # Int 0x2b: IRQ11
822 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x73
823 push $0x74 # Int 0x2c: IRQ12
824 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x74
825 push $0x75 # Int 0x2d: IRQ13
826 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x75
827 push $0x76 # Int 0x2e: IRQ14
828 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x76
829 push $0x77 # Int 0x2f: IRQ15
830 jmp int_hw # V86 int 0x77
757 * Reflect hardware interrupts.
758 */
759int_hw: testb $0x2,0xe(%esp,1) # V86 mode?
760 jz intusr # No
761 pushl $SEL_SDATA # Address
762 popl %ds # data
763 xchgl %eax,(%esp,1) # Swap EAX, int no

--- 318 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1083 * Output character AL to the console.
1084 */
1085putchr: pusha # Save
1086 xorl %ecx,%ecx # Zero for loops
1087 movb $SCR_MAT,%ah # Mode/attribute
1088 movl $BDA_POS,%ebx # BDA pointer
1089 movw (%ebx),%dx # Cursor position
1166#ifdef PC98
1090 movl $0xa0000,%edi
1169 movl $0xb8000,%edi # Regen buffer (color)
1170 cmpb %ah,BDA_SCR-BDA_POS(%ebx) # Mono mode?
1171 jne putchr.1 # No
1172 xorw %di,%di # Regen buffer (mono)
1091putchr.1: cmpb $0xa,%al # New line?
1092 je putchr.2 # Yes
1176#ifdef PC98
1093 movw %dx,%cx
1094 movb %al,(%edi,%ecx,1) # Write char
1095 addl $0x2000,%ecx
1096 movb %ah,(%edi,%ecx,1) # Write attr
1097 addw $0x02,%dx
1098 jmp putchr.3
1099putchr.2: movw %dx,%ax
1100 movb $SCR_COL*2,%dl
1101 div %dl
1102 incb %al
1103 mul %dl
1104 movw %ax,%dx
1105putchr.3: cmpw $SCR_ROW*SCR_COL*2,%dx
1191 xchgl %eax,%ecx # Save char
1192 movb $SCR_COL,%al # Columns per row
1193 mulb %dh # * row position
1194 addb %dl,%al # + column
1195 adcb $0x0,%ah # position
1196 shll %eax # * 2
1197 xchgl %eax,%ecx # Swap char, offset
1198 movw %ax,(%edi,%ecx,1) # Write attr:char
1199 incl %edx # Bump cursor
1200 cmpb $SCR_COL,%dl # Beyond row?
1201 jb putchr.3 # No
1202putchr.2: xorb %dl,%dl # Zero column
1203 incb %dh # Bump row
1204putchr.3: cmpb $SCR_ROW,%dh # Beyond screen?
1106 jb putchr.4 # No
1107 leal 2*SCR_COL(%edi),%esi # New top line
1108 movw $(SCR_ROW-1)*SCR_COL/2,%cx # Words to move
1109 rep # Scroll
1110 movsl # screen
1111 movb $0x20,%al # Space
1212#ifdef PC98
1112 xorb %ah,%ah
1113 movb $SCR_COL,%cl # Columns to clear
1114 rep # Clear
1115 stosw # line
1218#ifdef PC98
1116 movw $(SCR_ROW-1)*SCR_COL*2,%dx
1221 movb $SCR_ROW-1,%dh # Bottom line
1117putchr.4: movw %dx,(%ebx) # Update position
1118 popa # Restore
1119 ret # To caller
1122 .p2align 4
1124 * Global descriptor table.

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