Deleted Added
full compact
dev_net.c (38466) dev_net.c (38475)
2 * $Id$
2 * $Id: dev_net.c,v 1998/08/21 03:17:41 msmith Exp $
3 * From: $NetBSD: dev_net.c,v 1.12 1997/12/10 20:38:37 gwr Exp $
4 */
7 * Copyright (c) 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
8 * All rights reserved.
9 *
10 * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation

--- 142 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

153 printf("net_close: opens=%d\n", netdev_opens);
156 /* On last close, do netif close, etc. */
157 f->f_devdata = NULL;
158 /* Extra close call? */
159 if (netdev_opens <= 0)
160 return (0);
3 * From: $NetBSD: dev_net.c,v 1.12 1997/12/10 20:38:37 gwr Exp $
4 */
7 * Copyright (c) 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
8 * All rights reserved.
9 *
10 * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation

--- 142 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

153 printf("net_close: opens=%d\n", netdev_opens);
156 /* On last close, do netif close, etc. */
157 f->f_devdata = NULL;
158 /* Extra close call? */
159 if (netdev_opens <= 0)
160 return (0);
161 /*
162 * On SRM boots opening the device the first time takes ages
163 * I don't see the point of doing this every time you load a file
164 */
165 /* netdev_opens--; */
161 netdev_opens--;
166 /* Not last close? */
167 if (netdev_opens > 0)
168 return(0);
169 rootip.s_addr = 0;
170 if (netdev_sock >= 0) {
171 if (debug)
172 printf("net_close: calling netif_close()\n");
173 netif_close(netdev_sock);

--- 102 unchanged lines hidden ---
162 /* Not last close? */
163 if (netdev_opens > 0)
164 return(0);
165 rootip.s_addr = 0;
166 if (netdev_sock >= 0) {
167 if (debug)
168 printf("net_close: calling netif_close()\n");
169 netif_close(netdev_sock);

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