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1This directory contains source for a library of binary -> decimal
2and decimal -> binary conversion routines, for single-, double-,
3and extended-precision IEEE binary floating-point arithmetic, and
4other IEEE-like binary floating-point, including "double double",
5as in
7 T. J. Dekker, "A Floating-Point Technique for Extending the
8 Available Precision", Numer. Math. 18 (1971), pp. 224-242

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308given in gdtoa.h.
310Field fpi->sudden_underflow indicates whether strtodg should return
311denormals or flush them to zero. Normal floating-point numbers have
312bit fpi->nbits in the bits array on. Denormals have it off, with
313exponent = fpi->emin. Strtodg provides distinct return values for normals
314and denormals; see gdtoa.h.
316Compiling g__fmt.c, strtod.c, and strtodg.c with -DUSE_LOCALE causes
317the decimal-point character to be taken from the current locale; otherwise
318it is '.'.
320Please send comments to
322 David M. Gay
323 Bell Labs, Room 2C-463
324 600 Mountain Avenue
325 Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636, U.S.A.