Deleted Added
full compact
revision.log (81586) revision.log (220201)
1/* $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/compress/doc/revision.log 81586 2001-08-13 14:06:34Z ru $ */
1/* $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/compress/doc/revision.log 220201 2011-03-31 14:35:33Z emaste $ */
4 * $Header: compress.c,v 4.0 85/07/30 12:50:00 joe Release $
4 * $Header: compress.c,v 4.0 85/07/30 12:50:00 joe Release $
5 * $Log: compress.c,v $
5 *
6 * Revision 4.0 85/07/30 12:50:00 joe
7 * Removed ferror() calls in output routine on every output except first.
8 * Prepared for release to the world.
9 *
10 * Revision 3.6 85/07/04 01:22:21 joe
11 * Remove much wasted storage by overlaying hash table with the tables
12 * used by decompress: tab_suffix[1<<BITS], stack[8000]. Updated USERMEM
13 * computations. Fixed dump_tab() DEBUG routine.

--- 105 unchanged lines hidden ---
6 * Revision 4.0 85/07/30 12:50:00 joe
7 * Removed ferror() calls in output routine on every output except first.
8 * Prepared for release to the world.
9 *
10 * Revision 3.6 85/07/04 01:22:21 joe
11 * Remove much wasted storage by overlaying hash table with the tables
12 * used by decompress: tab_suffix[1<<BITS], stack[8000]. Updated USERMEM
13 * computations. Fixed dump_tab() DEBUG routine.

--- 105 unchanged lines hidden ---