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chat.8 (20493) chat.8 (20510)
1.\" -*- nroff -*-
2.\" manual page [] for chat 1.8
1.\" -*- nroff -*-
2.\" manual page [] for chat 1.8
3.\" $Id: chat.8,v 1.4 1996/07/03 02:27:30 mpp Exp $
3.\" $Id: chat.8,v 1.5 1996/12/15 07:34:07 mpp Exp $
4.\" SH section heading
5.\" SS subsection heading
6.\" LP paragraph
7.\" IP indented paragraph
8.\" TP hanging label
9.TH CHAT 8 "5 May 1995" "Chat Version 1.9"
11chat \- Automated conversational script with a modem

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97ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2
99In other words, expect ....ogin:, send ppp, expect ...ssword:, send hello2u2.
101In actual practice, simple scripts are rare. At the vary least, you
102should include sub-expect sequences should the original string not be
103received. For example, consider the following script:
4.\" SH section heading
5.\" SS subsection heading
6.\" LP paragraph
7.\" IP indented paragraph
8.\" TP hanging label
9.TH CHAT 8 "5 May 1995" "Chat Version 1.9"
11chat \- Automated conversational script with a modem

--- 85 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

97ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2
99In other words, expect ....ogin:, send ppp, expect ...ssword:, send hello2u2.
101In actual practice, simple scripts are rare. At the vary least, you
102should include sub-expect sequences should the original string not be
103received. For example, consider the following script:
105ogin:--ogin: ppp ssowrd: hello2u2
105ogin:--ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2
107This would be a better script than the simple one used earlier. This would look
108for the same login: prompt, however, if one was not received, a single
109return sequence is sent and then it will look for login: again. Should line
110noise obscure the first login prompt then sending the empty line will
111usually generate a login prompt again.
113Many modems will report the status of the call as a string. These

--- 202 unchanged lines hidden ---
107This would be a better script than the simple one used earlier. This would look
108for the same login: prompt, however, if one was not received, a single
109return sequence is sent and then it will look for login: again. Should line
110noise obscure the first login prompt then sending the empty line will
111usually generate a login prompt again.
113Many modems will report the status of the call as a string. These

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