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options (123213) options (125680)
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/options 123213 2003-12-07 04:41:11Z imp $
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/options 125680 2004-02-11 04:26:04Z bms $
3# On the handling of kernel options
5# All kernel options should be listed in NOTES, with suitable
6# descriptions. Negative options (options that make some code not
7# compile) should be commented out; LINT (generated from NOTES) should
8# compile as much code as possible. Try to structure option-using
9# code so that a single option only switch code on, or only switch

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356NETATALK opt_atalk.h
357PPP_BSDCOMP opt_ppp.h
358PPP_DEFLATE opt_ppp.h
359PPP_FILTER opt_ppp.h
361SLIP_IFF_OPTS opt_slip.h
3# On the handling of kernel options
5# All kernel options should be listed in NOTES, with suitable
6# descriptions. Negative options (options that make some code not
7# compile) should be commented out; LINT (generated from NOTES) should
8# compile as much code as possible. Try to structure option-using
9# code so that a single option only switch code on, or only switch

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356NETATALK opt_atalk.h
357PPP_BSDCOMP opt_ppp.h
358PPP_DEFLATE opt_ppp.h
359PPP_FILTER opt_ppp.h
361SLIP_IFF_OPTS opt_slip.h
363TCP_SIGNATURE opt_inet.h
363TCP_DROP_SYNFIN opt_tcp_input.h
365MBUF_STRESS_TEST opt_mbuf_stress_test.h
367# Netgraph(4). Use option NETGRAPH to enable the base netgraph code.
368# Each netgraph node type can be either be compiled into the kernel
369# or loaded dynamically. To get the former, include the corresponding
370# option below. Each type has its own man page, e.g. ng_async(4).

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364TCP_DROP_SYNFIN opt_tcp_input.h
366MBUF_STRESS_TEST opt_mbuf_stress_test.h
368# Netgraph(4). Use option NETGRAPH to enable the base netgraph code.
369# Each netgraph node type can be either be compiled into the kernel
370# or loaded dynamically. To get the former, include the corresponding
371# option below. Each type has its own man page, e.g. ng_async(4).

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