Deleted Added
full compact
files (54294) files (54331)
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/files 54294 1999-12-08 09:33:00Z phk $
1# $FreeBSD: head/sys/conf/files 54331 1999-12-08 18:55:39Z archie $
3# The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of
4# limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and
5# dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored.
7aicasm optional ahc \
8 dependency "$S/dev/aic7xxx/*.[chyl]" \
9 compile-with "${MAKE} -f $S/dev/aic7xxx/Makefile MAKESRCPATH=$S/dev/aic7xxx" \

--- 572 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

582netgraph/ng_echo.c optional netgraph_echo
583netgraph/ng_frame_relay.c optional netgraph_frame_relay
584netgraph/ng_hole.c optional netgraph_hole
585netgraph/ng_iface.c optional netgraph_iface
586netgraph/ng_ksocket.c optional netgraph_ksocket
587netgraph/ng_lmi.c optional netgraph_lmi
588netgraph/ng_ppp.c optional netgraph_ppp
589netgraph/ng_pppoe.c optional netgraph_pppoe
3# The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of
4# limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and
5# dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored.
7aicasm optional ahc \
8 dependency "$S/dev/aic7xxx/*.[chyl]" \
9 compile-with "${MAKE} -f $S/dev/aic7xxx/Makefile MAKESRCPATH=$S/dev/aic7xxx" \

--- 572 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

582netgraph/ng_echo.c optional netgraph_echo
583netgraph/ng_frame_relay.c optional netgraph_frame_relay
584netgraph/ng_hole.c optional netgraph_hole
585netgraph/ng_iface.c optional netgraph_iface
586netgraph/ng_ksocket.c optional netgraph_ksocket
587netgraph/ng_lmi.c optional netgraph_lmi
588netgraph/ng_ppp.c optional netgraph_ppp
589netgraph/ng_pppoe.c optional netgraph_pppoe
590netgraph/ng_pptpgre.c optional netgraph_pptpgre
590netgraph/ng_rfc1490.c optional netgraph_rfc1490
591netgraph/ng_socket.c optional netgraph_socket
592netgraph/ng_tee.c optional netgraph_tee
593netgraph/ng_tty.c optional netgraph_tty
594netgraph/ng_UI.c optional netgraph_UI
595netgraph/ng_vjc.c optional netgraph_vjc
596net/slcompress.c optional netgraph_vjc
597netinet/if_atm.c optional atm

--- 290 unchanged lines hidden ---
591netgraph/ng_rfc1490.c optional netgraph_rfc1490
592netgraph/ng_socket.c optional netgraph_socket
593netgraph/ng_tee.c optional netgraph_tee
594netgraph/ng_tty.c optional netgraph_tty
595netgraph/ng_UI.c optional netgraph_UI
596netgraph/ng_vjc.c optional netgraph_vjc
597net/slcompress.c optional netgraph_vjc
598netinet/if_atm.c optional atm

--- 290 unchanged lines hidden ---