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Makefile (60261) Makefile (74856)
1# @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93
1# @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93
2# $FreeBSD: head/share/man/man1/Makefile 60261 2000-05-09 14:59:06Z sheldonh $
2# $FreeBSD: head/share/man/man1/Makefile 74856 2001-03-27 13:48:25Z ru $
4MAN1= builtin.1 intro.1
4MAN= builtin.1 intro.1
6# Create MLINKS for Shell built in commands for which there are no userland
7# utilities of the same name:
8MLINKS= builtin.1 alias.1 builtin.1 alloc.1 builtin.1 bg.1 builtin.1 bindkey.1 \
9 builtin.1 break.1 builtin.1 breaksw.1 builtin.1 builtins.1 \
10 builtin.1 case.1 builtin.1 cd.1 builtin.1 chdir.1 builtin.1 command.1 \
11 builtin.1 complete.1 \
12 builtin.1 continue.1 builtin.1 default.1 \

--- 29 unchanged lines hidden ---
6# Create MLINKS for Shell built in commands for which there are no userland
7# utilities of the same name:
8MLINKS= builtin.1 alias.1 builtin.1 alloc.1 builtin.1 bg.1 builtin.1 bindkey.1 \
9 builtin.1 break.1 builtin.1 breaksw.1 builtin.1 builtins.1 \
10 builtin.1 case.1 builtin.1 cd.1 builtin.1 chdir.1 builtin.1 command.1 \
11 builtin.1 complete.1 \
12 builtin.1 continue.1 builtin.1 default.1 \

--- 29 unchanged lines hidden ---