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dot.cshrc (284929) dot.cshrc (298515)
1# Here are some example (t)csh options and configurations that you may find interesting
1# Here are some example (t)csh options and configurations that you may find interesting
3# $FreeBSD: head/share/examples/csh/dot.cshrc 284929 2015-06-29 14:41:19Z brueffer $
3# $FreeBSD: head/share/examples/csh/dot.cshrc 298515 2016-04-23 16:19:34Z lme $
6# Sets SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the user's ssh-agent socket path if running
8# This has a couple caveats, the most notable being that if a user
9# has multiple ssh-agent(1) processes running, this will very likely
10# set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to point to the wrong file/domain socket.
11if (${?SSH_AUTH_SOCK} != "1") then

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93 'c/-/(a b B C d D e f F g G h H i l L m n o p r R s t u v w x)/' \
94 'n@*@`pkg_info -E \*`@'
95complete rsync "c,*:/,F:/," \
96 "c,*:,F:$HOME," \
97 'c/*@/$hosts/:/'
98complete scp "c,*:/,F:/," \
99 "c,*:,F:$HOME," \
100 'c/*@/$hosts/:/'
6# Sets SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the user's ssh-agent socket path if running
8# This has a couple caveats, the most notable being that if a user
9# has multiple ssh-agent(1) processes running, this will very likely
10# set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to point to the wrong file/domain socket.
11if (${?SSH_AUTH_SOCK} != "1") then

--- 81 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

93 'c/-/(a b B C d D e f F g G h H i l L m n o p r R s t u v w x)/' \
94 'n@*@`pkg_info -E \*`@'
95complete rsync "c,*:/,F:/," \
96 "c,*:,F:$HOME," \
97 'c/*@/$hosts/:/'
98complete scp "c,*:/,F:/," \
99 "c,*:,F:$HOME," \
100 'c/*@/$hosts/:/'
101complete service 'c/-/(e l r v)/' 'p/1/`service -l`/' 'n/*/(start stop reload restart status rcvar onestart onestop)/'
101complete service 'c/-/(e l r v)/' 'p/1/`service -l`/' 'n/*/(start stop reload restart status rcvar describe extracommands onestart onestop oneextracommands)/'
102complete svn 'C@file:///@`'"${HOME}/etc/tcsh/complete.d/svn"'`@@' \
103 'n@ls@(file:/// svn+ssh:// svn://)@@' \
104 'n@help@(add blame cat checkout cleanup commit copy delete export help import info list ls lock log merge mkdir move propdel \
105 propedit propget proplist propset resolved revert status switch unlock update)@' 'p@1@(add blame cat checkout cleanup commit \
106 copy delete export help import info list ls lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist propset resolved \
107 revert status switch unlock update)@'
108complete ssh 'p/1/$hosts/' \
109 'c/-/(l n)/' \

--- 31 unchanged lines hidden ---
102complete svn 'C@file:///@`'"${HOME}/etc/tcsh/complete.d/svn"'`@@' \
103 'n@ls@(file:/// svn+ssh:// svn://)@@' \
104 'n@help@(add blame cat checkout cleanup commit copy delete export help import info list ls lock log merge mkdir move propdel \
105 propedit propget proplist propset resolved revert status switch unlock update)@' 'p@1@(add blame cat checkout cleanup commit \
106 copy delete export help import info list ls lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist propset resolved \
107 revert status switch unlock update)@'
108complete ssh 'p/1/$hosts/' \
109 'c/-/(l n)/' \

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