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sconfig.8 (138195) sconfig.8 (139423)
1.\" Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Roman Kurakin <>
2.\" Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Cronyx Engineering
3.\" All rights reserved.
5.\" This software is distributed with NO WARRANTIES, not even the implied
8.\" Authors grant any other persons or organisations a permission to use,
9.\" modify and redistribute this software in source and binary forms,
10.\" as long as this message is kept with the software, all derivative
11.\" works or modified versions.
1.\" Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Roman Kurakin <>
2.\" Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Cronyx Engineering
3.\" All rights reserved.
5.\" This software is distributed with NO WARRANTIES, not even the implied
8.\" Authors grant any other persons or organisations a permission to use,
9.\" modify and redistribute this software in source and binary forms,
10.\" as long as this message is kept with the software, all derivative
11.\" works or modified versions.
13.\" $FreeBSD: head/sbin/sconfig/sconfig.8 138195 2004-11-29 15:32:31Z rik $
13.\" $FreeBSD: head/sbin/sconfig/sconfig.8 139423 2004-12-30 01:48:12Z brueffer $
14.Dd May 19, 2004
15.Dt SCONFIG 8 i386
17.Sh NAME
18.Nm sconfig
19.Nd "channel configuration utility for Cronyx adapters"

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91For a description of the output, see below.
93This statistics is very useful if something goes wrong.
94For example, if all interrupt counters are zero then the device
95was configured to use an interrupt that was not registered in the
96BIOS for use with the ISA bus.
97.It Fl x
98Print full channel statistics.
14.Dd May 19, 2004
15.Dt SCONFIG 8 i386
17.Sh NAME
18.Nm sconfig
19.Nd "channel configuration utility for Cronyx adapters"

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91For a description of the output, see below.
93This statistics is very useful if something goes wrong.
94For example, if all interrupt counters are zero then the device
95was configured to use an interrupt that was not registered in the
96BIOS for use with the ISA bus.
97.It Fl x
98Print full channel statistics.
99This options prints additinal counters,
99This options prints additional counters,
100but with less precision than with the
101.Fl s
103.It Fl e
104Print brief E1/G703 statistics.
105If this option is selected, the
106statistics accumulated over the last 15 minutes is printed.
107For a description of the output, see below.

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160(PCI bus.)
163.Ss "Data Rate Options"
164.Bl -tag -width indent
165.It Ar value
166A non-zero value will set the data rate to a given value
167in asynchronous mode,
100but with less precision than with the
101.Fl s
103.It Fl e
104Print brief E1/G703 statistics.
105If this option is selected, the
106statistics accumulated over the last 15 minutes is printed.
107For a description of the output, see below.

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160(PCI bus.)
163.Ss "Data Rate Options"
164.Bl -tag -width indent
165.It Ar value
166A non-zero value will set the data rate to a given value
167in asynchronous mode,
168and will set the date rate and internal clock source of synchronization
168and will set the data rate and internal clock source of synchronization
169in synchronous mode.
170A zero value is equivalent to specifying the
171.Cm extclock
173The transmitted data (TxD) are synchronized using the internal on-board timing
174generator, the internally generated timing signal is driven on the TXCOUT pin,
175and the signal on the TXCIN pin is ignored.
176This mode is used for direct

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322.It Sm Cm invrclk No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
323(Tau-PCI only.)
324Invert the receive clock signals.
325.It Sm Cm invtclk No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
326(Tau-PCI only.)
327Invert the transmit clock signals.
328.It Sm Cm higain No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
329(E1 only.)
169in synchronous mode.
170A zero value is equivalent to specifying the
171.Cm extclock
173The transmitted data (TxD) are synchronized using the internal on-board timing
174generator, the internally generated timing signal is driven on the TXCOUT pin,
175and the signal on the TXCIN pin is ignored.
176This mode is used for direct

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322.It Sm Cm invrclk No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
323(Tau-PCI only.)
324Invert the receive clock signals.
325.It Sm Cm invtclk No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
326(Tau-PCI only.)
327Invert the transmit clock signals.
328.It Sm Cm higain No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
329(E1 only.)
330In of state the sensitivity is -12 dB.
330In off state the sensitivity is -12 dB.
331Turn on/off increasing the E1 receiver's non-linear sensitivity to -30dB.
332This allows increasing of the line distance.
333.It Sm Cm cablen No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
334(Tau-PCI/T3 and Tau-PCI/STS-1 only.)
335Turn on/off adjusting of the transmit signal for a long cable T3/STS-1.
336.It Sm Cm monitor No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
337(Tau32-PCI, Tau-PCI/2E1 and Tau-PCI/4E1 only.)
338Turn on/off increasing of the E1 receiver's linear sensitivity to -30dB.

--- 269 unchanged lines hidden ---
331Turn on/off increasing the E1 receiver's non-linear sensitivity to -30dB.
332This allows increasing of the line distance.
333.It Sm Cm cablen No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
334(Tau-PCI/T3 and Tau-PCI/STS-1 only.)
335Turn on/off adjusting of the transmit signal for a long cable T3/STS-1.
336.It Sm Cm monitor No = Bro Cm on , off Brc Sm
337(Tau32-PCI, Tau-PCI/2E1 and Tau-PCI/4E1 only.)
338Turn on/off increasing of the E1 receiver's linear sensitivity to -30dB.

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