Deleted Added
full compact
rc.subr (198162) rc.subr (198216)
1# $NetBSD: rc.subr,v 1.67 2006/10/07 11:25:15 elad Exp $
1# $NetBSD: rc.subr,v 1.67 2006/10/07 11:25:15 elad Exp $
2# $FreeBSD: head/etc/rc.subr 198162 2009-10-15 23:20:23Z dougb $
2# $FreeBSD: head/etc/rc.subr 198216 2009-10-18 19:51:06Z ed $
4# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
5# All rights reserved.
7# This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
8# by Luke Mewburn.
10# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

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589 _rc_prefix=
590 case "$rc_arg" in
591 fast*) # "fast" prefix; don't check pid
592 rc_arg=${rc_arg#fast}
593 rc_fast=yes
594 rc_quiet=yes
595 ;;
4# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
5# All rights reserved.
7# This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
8# by Luke Mewburn.
10# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

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589 _rc_prefix=
590 case "$rc_arg" in
591 fast*) # "fast" prefix; don't check pid
592 rc_arg=${rc_arg#fast}
593 rc_fast=yes
594 rc_quiet=yes
595 ;;
596 force*) # "force prefix; always run
596 force*) # "force" prefix; always run
597 rc_force=yes
598 _rc_prefix=force
599 rc_arg=${rc_arg#${_rc_prefix}}
600 if [ -n "${rcvar}" ]; then
601 eval ${rcvar}=YES
602 fi
603 ;;
604 one*) # "one" prefix; set ${rcvar}=yes

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597 rc_force=yes
598 _rc_prefix=force
599 rc_arg=${rc_arg#${_rc_prefix}}
600 if [ -n "${rcvar}" ]; then
601 eval ${rcvar}=YES
602 fi
603 ;;
604 one*) # "one" prefix; set ${rcvar}=yes

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